Agrippa Postumus

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Agrippa is an attractive man with dark blond hair and dark eyes and tan skin. He is
remarkably strong for his size and build, easily besting men of a heavier build. He
dresses in only the best togas available, but cares little for jewelry. He rarely
carries either a dagger or sword except for public occasions, nor do he have need
to do so, having once crushed the skull of a righteously jealous husband bent on


Agrippa would be well educated had he paid any of his tutors the least attention,
but he was ever consumed with a crude need and is easily distracted by even common
looking women. He was born with an imperious attitude and an exaggerated sense of
self-worth which often got him into trouble. Even as a young boy he was inclined
to roughhouse and as he grew older this tendency lead to fighting. While this was
not a problem in and of itself, Agrippa tended to maim those who fought with him
and on at least one occasion he killed a youth who moved too slow to evade his
fists. As an adult he is a braggart and a bully, but he is no coward, and when a
fit of anger takes him over, he can become an unholy terror. He is genetically
incapable of following even the simplest command and is extremely stubborn, but
his mother Julia the Elder has a way with him and has him wrapped around her
little...finger. His hobbies tend to obsess him and lately it has been fishing
which he will doubtless grow bored with and move on to something else.


Agrippa Postumus (12 BC-14 AD) was the youngest son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
and Julia the Elder. He was named as heir to the Roman Empire by his uncle Augustus on
his deathbed, but, immediately following Augustus' death in 14 AD, Augustus' wife Livia
had Postumus murdered by Sejanus so that her own son Tiberius would become the next emperor.


Agrippa Postumus was born in 12 BC, the posthumous son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
and Julia the Elder. Growing up, Postumus was the best friend of the future emperor Claudius.
The deaths of his uncle Augustus' sons Lucius Caesar and Gaius Caesar in 2 and 4 AD, respectively,
led to Augustus adopting Postumus and his cousin Tiberius as his sons, with Tiberius being the
designated heir and Postumus receiving Augustus' bloodline. Postumus was known to be brutish,
insolent, stubborn, and potentially violent, possessing great physical strength and obsessing
over fishing.

Postumus also had an affair with Claudius' sister Livilla, and, in 6 AD, Empress Livia convinced
Livilla to help her frame Postumus for rape to ensure that the next emperor would be a strong one,
and not brutish like Postumus. Livilla trysted with Postumus before biting his hand and calling to
the guards that she was being raped, and Postumus was arrested. Upon hearing of the incident,
Augustus banished Postumus to a villa near Pompeii. He lost the Julian name and returned to the
gens Vipsania, and his vices increased daily. In 7 AD, he was banished to a rocky island between
Italia and Corsica, and an armed guard was installed there and the Roman Senate was ordered to never
allow his release.

On a trip to Corsica, Augustus visited Postumus, and, aware of Postumus' innocence after a conversation
with Claudius (in whom Postumus confided about Livia's schemes), he promised to pardon him.

Recent Events

Agrippa has recently received a visit from his father who has explained his
true heritage to him and prepared him to take his rightful place upon the
throne of Rome. He looks forward to this, and seeing his mother again, and
as Rome is the center of the civilized world, it also has the most attractive
women who will be crowding each other for the opportunity to warm his bed.

His Fate

In 14 AD, Augustus changed his will to favor Postumus for the succession, but Livia poisoned Augustus' figs, causing
him to die. Immediately after Augustus' death, Postumus was killed by the Praetorian Guard on the orders of
Sejanus, who had been sent by Livia to ensure that her son Tiberius inherited the throne. Sejanus himself
stabbed Postumus in the chest as two guards restrained him, and Sejanus had Postumus weighted with stones
and buried at sea.


Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance
3; Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Abilities: Academics 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Leadership 3, Drive 3, Survival 3, Integrity 3,
Investigation 1, Larceny 1, Marksmanship 4, Medicine 2, Melee 4, Performance 2, Stealth 3, Thrown 1

Virtues: Expression 1, Intellect 2, Valor 3, Vengeance 3

Birthrights: Followers (SPARTOI) 4, Relic (Dragon’s Teeth) 2, Relic (Armor of Achilles) 2, Relic (Signaculum—War) 1

Divine Attributes: FINESSE 1 (Lightning Sprinter), ENDURANCE 2 (Damage Conversion, Self-Healing),
MIGHT 2 (Holy Rampage, Uplifting Might), CORUSCATION 2 (Opening Gambit, Rabbit Reflexes)

Dominions: FROST 1, PASSION 2 (Hunger), SKY 2, TIME 2, WAR 1

Join Battle: 8

Clinch: Accuracy 6, Damage 4B, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 5, Damage 7B, Parry DV 2, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light: Accuracy 7, Damage 4B, Parry DV 3, Speed 4
Pilum: Accuracy 8, Damage 6L, Parry DV 3, Range (short) 10ft, Speed 5
Gladius: Accuracy 8, Damage 7L, Parry Dv 3, Speed 4
Bow (short): Accuracy 9, Damage 6L, Range (close) 30ft

Soak: 2A/8L/8B (Armor of Achilles, +4L/2B)

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Dodge: 8

Willpower: 6

Divinity: 3

Divinity Pool: 9

Other Notes: The Armor of Achilles augments the power of the Damage Conversion Knack
to reduce damage. It reduces lethal damage from any attack to bashing and bashing to nothing
at no cost. What’s more, while wearing the armor, Agrippa may spend two points of Divinity to
reduce aggravated damage to lethal.