Transform the Skin to Stone

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Level 5.

The resiliency of the Gargoyles is quickly becoming legendary among Cainites. In addition to their already formidable Fortitude, some Gargoyles have been granted an even greater ability to shrug off not only damage from mortal weapons, but damage from fire as well.
System: A Gargoyle must be of at least eighth generation to benefit from this ritual. The Gargoyle must drink the carefully prepared vitae of several Gangrel (at least three different Gangrel from which a combined total of 10 Blood Points must be consumed) during the ritual, and the Tremere must expend a point of Willpower. At the end of the night, the Gargoyle will henceforth be able to add one of his Stamina for resisting wounds, take one fewer point of wound penalties, and halve all damage received from fire. This ritual is not without risk to the Tremere, though. The Tremere must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 10). If even one success is gained, the ritual is permanent. If no successes or botches are rolled, the ritual lasts until the next equinox or solstice. If the end result is a botch, the Tremere loses one point of Willpower permanently (although the Gargoyle still benefits from the ritual, as if no successors (sic) or botches had been rolled).

(This is one of the pre-Visceretika Gargoyle rituals)