Transcend the Flesh

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Vicissitude 7

Initiates to the Road of Metamorphosis know that the body is irrelevant and can be commanded by a sufficiently strong will. Transcend the Flesh allows the user to exert such delicate control over her body as to expel anything unwanted that might be in her body, be it a stake, a sword in her belly or a poison in her blood. With extreme effort, the user may even walk through solid walls.

System: Expelling large objects, such as a spear in the gut, simply requires a roll of Perception + Body Crafts (difficulty 6). Cleansing oneself of minor object imbedded in the flesh or impurities in the blood is difficulty 7. Purging a poison requires the expenditure of a blood point (which is then vomited up along with the poison) and is difficulty 8. Excising a stake is immensely difficult, requiring a Willpower point and an extended roll of Stamina + Body Crafts (difficulty 8), with each roll representing 30 minutes and 10 successes required. Without any expenditure, however, the character can actually move while staked. This is not real movement per se, but simply flesh- and bonecrafting oneself slowly into a new position. Such movement is exceptionally slow, but within a few hours a character should able to move her arm enough to pull out the stake.

Walking through a wall or other solid object requires a minute in absolute concentration, the expenditure of a Willpower point and a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). This also results in a naked Tzimisce, unless the clothing he wears is made from living tissue.