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●●●●●●● -- WHIRLPOOL

Dice Pool: Wits + Control

Cost: 4 Divinity per dot of Divine Strength (max ••••)

Description: This Power works just as Master of the Gyre (Sky ••••• ••) does, with a few key exceptions. First, the vortex must be generated from a sufficient quantity of liquid water. Second, the spinning funnel can be either a standing waterspout or a sunken whirlpool — and it can change at the Avatar’s discretion.

Either type of funnel can move freely in or on open water. A waterspout can leap out of the water and move around on land like an air-born tornado, but only for a number of actions equal to the Avatar’s Divinity. If it’s not back over water in that time, it unravels, throwing water in every direction as the effect comes to an end.