Ties that Bind

From The World Is A Vampire
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Koldunism Level 4

Before an ancient koldun could learn a new way, he performed this ritual and removed one of his ribs (through Vicissitude or other means). A mystical symbol representing the particular way the koldun intended to learn was inscribed onto the bone, then implanted back into the body. Koldun cast this ritual to symbolically lend part of themselves to the essence of the land. In return, they were granted the ability to practice the spiritual magic that is Koldunic Sorcery. In the present night, Sabbat koldun revised this ritual to serve a more practical purpose with less torturous requirements. Performed as often as weekly, this ritual reconnects the koldun with the eldritch magic of the Old World.

System: After spilling four points of blood onto a patch of dirt then ingesting this soil, a koldun may lower the difficulty of any Koldunic Sorcery rolls he makes over the next three nights by one. Multiple uses of Ties That Bind have no effect - the koldun gains no greater benefit if he uses this ritual more than once in three nights.