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The priesthood of the Silent One is made up entirely of females. Several of them are undead of a sort with the ability to cover their appearance so that they look like beautiful females in the prime of womanhood. In reality they are a cult of undead whose prime motivation is decimating the followers of other pantheons and bringing mortals to the undead. Xenophobic of other undead, the Silent ones have great distaste for the other Undead of Todesstadt, but enjoy perverting their goals and helping them hurt each other.


Yathrin-sidhe were leaders among the Temple of the Silent One and were often the instigators of many of the church's plots. Considered the elite of the worshipers of the god, only females were generally admitted into their ranks. Besides a good degree of skill in both arcane and divine magic as well as necromantic magic, other vile acts were required for those wishing to join. Most notably was that each yathrin-sidhe must have engaged in perverted sexual acts with some form of undead.


As yathrin-sidhe became more experienced, they developed their arcane and divine powers simultaneously, as well as gaining mastery over necromantic magic.

Curse of the Revenancer

When a yathrin-sidhe reached a certain degree of mastery they could cause any creature they had slain to rise immediately as a zombie. This zombie was under their complete control.

Death ward

Some yathrin-sidhe were permanently warded against most forms of death magic and negative energy, allowing them to operate easily in areas unsuited to the living.[2] Even undead yathrin-sidhe gained increased resistance to the powers of positive energy.


The final power to come under the command of a yathrin-sidhe was a dreadful keen that could potentially kill a large number of creatures within 30 ft (9.1 m) of her. This ability manifested in a similar manner as a wail of the banshee spell.


As yathrin-sidhe focused on the undeath aspect of their god, they were masters of necromancy magic. To this end, they could combine their divine and arcane potential when casting necromantic spells, putting them on a par with even dedicated necromancers despite their diversification.


Many yathrinshee could sing a lamenting song taught only to their order. This caused any who faced the undead under the command of the yathrin-sidhe to be unnerved by images of their dead relatives. This was particularly effective if the corpse had some connection to them in life.

Zone of Desecration

One of the greater powers a yathrin-sidhe eventually wielded was a continuous aura of negative energy that hampered positive energy and simultaneously bolstered undead. Extending up to 20 ft (6.1 m), this aura operated in a similar manner to a desecrate spell.