The Sun's Grace

From The World Is A Vampire
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Back to Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book

Origin: Cloudwalker

Ingredients: Handful of salt

Casting: The caster creates a circle around themselves. The casting must be done as/after the sun rises. The caster chants to focus their energy and will on the coming day. The chant is directly related to the goal of vampire. With the power of the vampires will allows the caster to delay Caine's curse for one day.

System: Intelligence + Rituals, this is a fast cast ritual. It take 10-successes (over 1) rounds on the rituals roll to cast. It makes the caster immune to die penalty for being awake during the day. The caster will be fully awake until the sun sets. It lasts till the sun sets the next dusk at which the vampire falls into a deep sleep. It is twice as difficult to wake up for any reason during that night. (uses rules for waking during day for that night only)

Notes: Made in Generation 1 of Denver