Anathemata Curialis

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A holy order founded and given their charter by Pope Paul III (the same gent who bankrolled Ignatius Loyola when he set up the Jesuits). Pope Paul felt that the Inquisition had gone soft on crime and soft on the causes of crime. The Anathemata’s scarily open mission statement is to deal with anything that the Church had declared anathema – abomination – and by deal with he meant stop dead. Then a much later pope excommunicated the whole outfit, right down to the factory cat, but not before he’d voted it enough funds to keep it going to the crack of doom. Pretty neat trick, that – adding plausible deniability to the list of Christian virtues. With up to potentially a thousand modern members, the Anathemata still exists, but has gone to ‘silent running’. They’re officially disconnected from the apparatus of the Church. They cannot receive communion, be given last rites or be buried in hallowed ground. They also think that the Nox noctis Vigilo are a bunch of pussies.