Acceptable Arcanoi

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Death opens the door to things unknowable by the living. A wraith is Fettered and limited, but also holds great potential to change herself or her surroundings. Those who know, can unravel the secrets of death, find themselves capable of strang powers called Arcanoi.

Arcanoi are secrets that can be either learned at the foot of another or acquired through experience. They are ways of using a wraith's spiritual being to alter other aspects of the Underworld, or in some cases the Skinlands. In many ways, an Arcanos is as much a philosophy as a craft, made of equal parts viewpoint and skill. Most wraiths demonstrate aptitude for one or two Arcanoi immediately upon their rebirth, and quickly learn the first few powers, or arts, of those Arcanoi. In game terms the higher the art level (represented by the number of • characters before its listing), the higher its cost is likely to be, the more difficult it is to learn, and the more powerful it is.

Alternate Arts

While the Arcanoi do not have art ratings above five, they do have many variations on each of the lesser art levels. These so-called "Ancient Arts" and "New Arts" can be learned instead of the basic arts listed here for the same point cost. A wraith with the Inhabit Arcanos could choose to learn the level one Ancient Art Lightning's Bite (see Guildbook: Artificers) instead of the regular level one art Surge.

A wraith who chooses to learn an alternate art instead of the "normal" one for a given Arcanos simply makes a notation on her character sheet as to which alternate art she has studied. If she later wishes to go back and learn a different art with experience, the cost is as follows:

Arcanos Level Point Cost
One 1
Two 3
Three 6
Four 9
Five 12

A wraith can only pick up alternate arts of a level less than or equal to her highest current level of training. Alternate arts in an Arcanos cannot be purchased unless the wraith already has at least one level of expertise in the Arcanos in question.

The Variegated Heritage

Like all skills, Arcanoi are constantly evolving. Wraiths often put their own interpretations on their arts, customizing their Arcanoi with nothing more than their outlook. Active experimentation can be dangerous, but highly rewarding. Storytellers are free to allow players to invent new arts for any Arcanos. If the proposed art is appropriate and of a similar power level to the current arts listed, she may allow her players to bring it into play. There are also older, more obscure arts that the Storyteller may devise and allow the players to learn. Examples of these Ancient Arts can be found in the Guildbook series of supplements.

  • Argos -- Users of Argos can manipulate, navigate, and travel through the Tempest.
  • Castigate -- Users of Castigate can manipulate and control a wraith’s Shadow.
  • Embody -- Those who use Embody can manifest in the physical world and, under the right circumstances, appear as a living person.
  • Fatalism -- Those with the gift of Fatalism are able to see into another’s past or future, and read a wraith's ultimate Fate.
  • Inhabit -- Wraiths gifted with Inhabit can manipulate and control inanimate objects.
  • Keening -- Those who can use the arts of Keening can manipulate emotions through sound.
  • Lifeweb -- Wraiths who know Lifeweb can use it to strengthen, weaken, or watch over Fetters.
  • Moliate -- Those who Moliate are able to reshape their Corpus, and the Corpus of others, into fascinating, and sometimes terrifying forms.
  • Outrage -- Outrage affects the Skinlands by manifesting a wraith’s will in the form of a powerful force.
  • Pandemonium -- Wraiths who use this Arcanos can use the powers of chaos to create havoc in the living world.
  • Phantasm -- Those who use the abilities of Phantasm can manipulate dreams and create illusions.
  • Puppetry -- Those who master Puppetry can control the bodies of the Quick.
  • Usury -- Those who master Usury can trade the very forces that wraiths thrive on.