Antiman Ujarak

From The World Is A Vampire
Revision as of 22:43, 7 November 2019 by Keith (talk | contribs)
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[Personal Mark] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Character: Antiman Ujarak Alignment: Neutral Good Height 6' 7"
Player: Keith Age: 17 Weight: 179
Race: Hobgoblin Class: Barbarian/Thief Secondary skill: Hunter
--- --- ---
Strength: 18/(91) +2/+5/235/380/15(3)/35% Dexterity: 20 (+3/+3/-12) Intelligence: 13 (3)
Constitution: 17(+2/+6/97%/98%/0/ Wisdom: 17(+3) Charisma: 10(4/0/0)
HP: 41 XP: AC: -2
Jumping (free)Strength (0) Survival (free)Intelligence (0) Tracking (Free) Wisdom (0)
Running (Free) Constitution -6 Direction Sense(1) Wisdom +1 Alertness (1) Wisdom +1
Fire Building (1) Hunting (1) Wisdom -1 Animal Handling (1) Wisdom -1
Tight Rope Walking (1) Dexterity 0 Hobgoblin (free) Common
Swimming (1) Riding (1) Endurance
Weapons Damage Speed
Scimitar 1 1-8/1-8 5
Long Bow 1 ---/--- 8
Morning Star 1 2d4/2d6+1 7
Dagger 6 1d4/1d3 2
Theives Skills
Pick Pockets: 80% Open Locks 60% Find/Remove Traps 45%
Move Silently: 55% +10% in wilderness Hide In Shadows: 40% +10% in Wilderness Detect Noise 20%
Climb Walls 75% Read Languages -10
Fur Shirt Fur Pants Fur Cloak
Scimitar Scabbard Backpack Belt
48 Arrows Quiver Theives Tools
Caltrops Gloves Flint & Steel
rations (1 week) Iron pitons Boots
Small Metal Mirror 2 Large Sacks 2 wineskins