Alchemy (Hedge Magic)

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Hedge Magic

Introduction: Alchemy is concerned with the creation of substances which convey magical affects when used. Alchemical workings come in many forms: Potions which take affect when consumed; paste-like Salves, which must be applied to the target; Incense, either in solid form or as a liquid applied to something else which is burnt; or Perfume, worn on the skin. The form given an Alchemical creation must be decided upon before work begins.

●○○○○ The alchemist can create compounds and substances that are simply more advanced and potent versions of chemicals that already exist. These compounds don’t appear magical in any way. Painkillers, soporifics, poisons and glues are common examples.
●●○○○ More advanced versions of what is available already with one dot. Some of these substances might allow the imbiber to exceed his normal physical limits or to gain access to more mystical senses, in dreams or hallucinations.
●●●○○ The alchemist can make substances that enhance their target to superhuman levels or create materials that exceed normal limitations (supernaturally strong alloys, etc). Some of these substances can temporarily invest their imbiber with some low-level psychic ability for a limited period of time (no more than one hour or so) for example.
●●●●○ The alchemist can create substances that will enhance their attributes even beyond normal human maximums or minor items with some potent effect.
●●●●● With this level of knowledge, the alchemist can duplicate the powers of supernatural creatures, including Gifts, Disciplines and other abilities of up to the third level. They can also duplicate the innate powers of these creatures (the powers of the Fae, wraiths and the imbued cannot be duplicated).

These potions will normally require some sample from the being in question (Vitae, powdered dragon fang, hair from a werewolf, etc.) or extended close up and personal study of the subject (this is usually only appropriate for students of Advanced Chemistry and may still require tissue samples).

Such concoctions often have nasty side effects as well (the more powerful the Gift or Discipline, the more pronounced the side effects).

A word on intentionally creating botched substances...

On the off chance that a player decides he/she would like to create an intentionally botched powder or potion: Doing so is actually a new ritual (recipe) that needs to be researched. Trying to intentionally botch a known substance results in a random effect chosen by the Storyteller. Botch ideas are put in the System section for storyteller ideas, not hard and fast rules. Don't be a Carl.