Shadowland Passage

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Shadowland Passage
The vampire can physically pass into any location of the Shadowlands, provided that she has been in that location before. This requires that the vampire symbolically "kill" herself by lunging a specially prepared dagger into her heart (doing at least 2 wound levels) and falling into a body of water deep enough to cover her. The dagger must be made from the purest silver, and the hilt must have at least one vampire fang worked into its construction. When she returns from the Shadowlands, she will reappear in the water. Members of the Black Hand use this ritual to get to Enoch.

Errata: This writeup misuses the word Shadowlands. The Shadowlands is the wraithly analogue to the physical world. Enoch, Stygia, and other far shores are NOT part of the shadowlands. Thus, this ritual should read "any location in the dark umbra." (or insert other description of those realms dominated by deathly energy and traversed by wraiths and specters)