Shadow Brew

From The World Is A Vampire
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This bitter potion is never brewed in more than a single draught consisting of five drops of dark brown liquid. The strength of the poisons used in the creation of the shadow brew (including belladonna and opium) is such that if someone swallows more than one draught in a 24-hour period, death is almost always swift and inevitable (Stamina + Occult roll, difficulty of 8).
When consumed, the shadow brew enables a Rom to loosen the ties of her spiritual and physical form to the physical plane. The Gypsy can then slip into the mystic area the Gypsies term the shadow realm. The shadow realm is a tiny area of reality on the cusp between the physical and spiritual realms. When walking the shadows a Rom can perceive both the physical and spiritual worlds clearly. However, he cannot be perceived by beings in either world unless they make a successful Wits + Occult roll (difficulty of 8).
Because the Rom is still connected, however tenuously, to the physical plane of existence, he cannot travel at faster than normal speeds. However, the Rom can manipulate objects in either the physical or spiritual plane by making a successful Manipulation + Dexterity roll (difficulty of 7). The effects of the brew last for the duration of a scene.