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Acceptable Arcanoi




Phantasm is one of the primary thirteen Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion. Those who use the abilities of Phantasm can manipulate dreams and create illusions.

Much like Keening, the arts of Phantasm have no especially great merit in the Shadowlands other than their artistic side. Users of Phantasm, with their ability to create elaborate, fantastic dreams in the dead as well as the living are treasured by those seeking entertainment in an otherwise dreary existence. In fact, troupes of Sandmen performing their plays and shows are one of the more established, legal means of amusement for wraiths.

However, those who think Phantasm can only be used for artistic endeavors are quite wrong. Phantasm can also be used to create elaborate illusions that are extremely convincing, and for this some realize that Sandmen are not as shallow as they appear. In addition, in first and second edition, those who practice Phantasm have another extraordinary ability: the power to bring living people, in the form of dreams, into the Shadowlands. Quick brought to the Shadowlands in this way may interact with the world of the dead as any wraith would be able to, including being attacked. In most cases, a dreamer who suffers too much damage in the Shadowlands drifts back to their unharmed body. In extreme cases, a powerful Sandman can cause them serious mental or physical damage.

The most obvious problem with a poor use of Phantasm are nightmares. However, Shadows have been known to overtake a Sandman’s abilities and use them to their benefit in certain cases.

Basic Abilities

Sleepsense: A Sandman can tell when a mortal has reached REM sleep.

Standard Powers

Elysia: A Sandman may pull a sleeper’s soul from their body.
•• Lucidity: A Sandman may tweak or alter the dreams of a mortal.
••• Dreams of Sleep: A Sandman may bestow sleep and dreams on a wraith.
•••• Phantasmagoria: A Sandman can create detailed, highly-convincing illusions.
••••• Agon: A Sandman may rip a mortal’s soul from their body.

Alternate Powers


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