Alex Torens

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Naples -N- Salubri


Sobriquet: Alex

Appearance: Alex is 5'9" tall, with wide muscled shoulders. He wears a long mustache, and has deep set brown eyes. His hair is long, cut away from his face in a square style.

Behavior: Alex is sharply intelligent, with a slightly arrogant demeanor. He seems at odds with the world around him, and from time to time seems to be confused by current events. He has a habit of cursing in ancient Latin.

History: Alex Torens was born Vebronus Alexus Torenus in 440 BC. He was born to a Roman family, his father was one of the Decemviri. As a young man he decided to take up the philosophy of Arculous, which taught math, magic, and art. He traveled abroad and took apprenticeship under the Master Phidias. He came at the end of the great aritists' life, spending five years learning from the Master.

After the death of Phidias, Vebronus began work on new masks, trying to harness the powers of the elder titans as apposed to that of the current Dei Consenties. The first of several masks he made were failures. Vebronus hated the fact that he had not been able to replicate the successes of his teacher. He argued with his friend Gabius Horgen Pertinx, and wound up killing him. It was then that he came to the realization that Phidias had used life-force to power his creations, not just faith in the Gods. The blood of Gabius Pertinax fed the Mask, and the Mask of Hypnos became powerful, if not evil in the process, for each Mask has it's own personality.

Vebronus made other Masks, and had begun to use them for his own gain. Hubis and cruelty were the hallmarks of his personality, though he was highly regarded by the mages of his time. What he had not realized was that he was stepping on the toes of several powerful Kindred in the area. The Masks of Phidias were being looked at as merely show pieces, so were not an issue. The Masks created by Vebronus on the other hand...

Three powerful Kindred captured Vebronus and held him for a short time, keeping him dazed and confused with their mental powers. Unable to hold him like this for long, it was decided that the best way to stop him was to kill him and hide his creations. They drained him dry of his magic laden blood, and dropped him in a hole. What they didn't know was that they were being watched by an upstart childe of Saulot. As soon as the three left, he gave blood to the once powerful magician. Vebronus returned as a vampire.

Furious that his access to the magic he had used his whole life was now forfeit to him, Vebronus began to study and find ways to use Thaumaturgy. In 73 A.D. he got his revenge on his enemies by trapping them in the tomb they had chosen to sleep the day in. When Menele called forth his vengence on Helena, it was in conjunction with the bringing together of three powerful Masks at full strength. The volcano erupted. Torenus became entombed in a bathhouse for the next 2,000 years. Found by archeologists in 1995, Vebronus came out of Torpor and returned to the world of man.

Now he would like to take up where he left off...
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