Road of Heaven

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The Roads

Description: The Damned know that they are cursed by God, and many of them curse God in return. But others accept the burden the Lord has placed upon them and seek to find purpose in it. These Faithful know that everything is a part of God's plan, even the Children of Caine. Followers of the Road of Heaven devote themselves to understanding that purpose. The answers to the question, "Why has God done this to me?" lead to the many divergent paths of this road. Like the mortal Church, the Road of Heaven is given to schisms, sects and heresies.

Among all of the many sects of the Road of Heaven, the voice of the Beast is that of Satan, the great tempter, seeking to lure the Faithful away from righteousness and into sin. They shun all servants of evil, such as devil-worshipers, demons and followers of the Road of Sin. The Faithful continue to carry out the sacrements of the Church even in their unliving existence, and ashen priests are the most common on the Road of Heaven.

The Faithful are found throughout Christendom and beyond. Those in the East often follow Muslim ways and there are Jews and even pagans on the Road of Heaven as well.

Sobriquet: The Faithful

Road Virtues: Conscience, Self-Control

Aura: Holiness. The righteousness of the true servants of Heaven is apparent to all. The aura modifier applies to Social rolls that rely on the vampire's image as a holy and divine being.



Path of Divinity: You are among the chosen of God and should be worshipped as such.

Path of Penitence: Your damned existence is punishment for your sins.

Path of Retribution: You are God's angel of vengeance and scourge of the wicked and sinful.

Hierarchy of sins against Heaven: Rationale:
10 Violating any of the Ten Commandments, for any reason God's word is Law
9 Failing to speak out against corruption and sin All the Devil requires is for the faithful to do nothing
8 Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony or some other sinful impulse Sin is the road to the Beast
7 Theft, robbery, willful vandalism Thou shalt not steal
6 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person God sees all and punishes such sins
5 Feeding from an innocent without permission God protects the innocent
4 Blasphemous or heretical acts Thou shalt have no other god before me. Deniel of God leads only to damnation.
3 Allowing a crime or major sin to go unpunished "Vengeance is mine", sayeth the Lord.
2 The murder of innocents Thou shalt not kill. Do not repeat the sin of Caine.
1 Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of evil Serve evil and you serve the Beast.