Hagen of Tronege

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Crusade of Ashes and Blood

Mortal Hagen of Tronege.jpg

Sobriquet: Herr Hagen, Baron of Tronege

Appearance: Herr Hagen is his master's shadow in all ways. Where his master is tall, Hagen is somewhat short and where Count Emicho is thin and rangy, Hagen is thick and burly. No matter how hard Hagen tries to look more like his master, he comes off as cruder and ruder version of Emicho. Hagen would be considered an attractive man, save for the crudeness of his features and the almost animal hairiness of his mien. Where Emicho has a biblical cast to his features, like one of the patriarchal prophets of old and Hagen appears to have been formed from the leftover clay of creation handed over to a lesser god to animate.



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