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Emain Ablach
Forest People.jpg

The forest people are a mainly peaceful race. Capable of immense Feats of Strength, the greatest power comes from their deep innate connection with the land that they live in. They are a woodland or Mountain race, inclined to keep to themselves and stay hidden so that they are not wrapped up in the machinations of the elves or other races of Emain Ablach.


The forest people AR inclined to be tall with broad shoulders and long arms. Their entire body is covered in Long very fine fur resembling that of an alpaca. The forest people are mostly brown in color, those Sumter tend toward black or even white if they are staying to the Snows or Tundra. The eyes of a forest person are usually black though they can become lighter shades of green and or blue. Females tend to be slightly shorter and huskier than the males of the species.


The Forest People live in family groups, sometimes as many as 20 will live together, and that is a large group. Most often they live in smaller 8 to 12 member clans, bound together by Tribal connotations. Often a spiritual leader will watch over the tribes, wandering the mountains and tundra alone.


Yeti have a gift from the land that allows them to speak most languages, and learn new ones very quickly.


The Yeti do not like dealing with the Dok Alfar of Emain Ablach, preferring the Seely Alfar. Yeti are on good terms with the changing breeds as a whole, though are inclined to avoid the Garou if possible. As creatures of the Wyld, they don't like to be bound in long term alliances. Yeti are extremely distrustful of the Umbraculavites, and avoid them at all costs.


The Yeti mate for life most of the time. Should one of the pair die, they will take a second spouse but it is rare. Most families have between 2 and 6 children.
Yeti live as long as four hundred years, though 250 is the natural average. Yeti eat mostly fruit and nuts, though most of their diet is supplemented with various meats they hunt for. They prefer meat cooked.
Yeti often drink a fermented milk product called Vaad. It is sweet and nutty, and seems like a strong ale. Females make a hardy cheese known as "heelk. It's flavor is like a wine soaked hard cheese.


Each family group is led by an elder male, who takes council from his group and makes decisions. Those leader males meet from time to time with other tribal leaders to discuss the needs of the world and their people. A small number of the Mountain People are religious teachers. By all accounts truly feral creatures, they sit in councils and only speak if their spirit moves them.

Females run the family groups social structure. While the males make decisions about movement, food, and defense, the females keep track of the social systems of the Mountain people. Most will tell you that they truly run the society as a whole, and the men do as they are told. Only in the discussion of defense and protecting the family will the females take orders.