Carnage of the Mind

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Auspex 8

The Cainites of the High Clans know that their minds are far superior to those of the fallen. Thus, it is only logical that they should be able to overwhelm weaker minds if they are in direct contact with them. Carnage of the Mind allows the wielder to make a direct attack upon another person’s psyche with her own, often with devastating consequences. Carnage of the Mind also lends itself well to the Malkavian clan, as a normal mind cannot handle contact with the fractured psyche of one of the Lunatics.

System: The character must either touch her target or make eye contact. The player spends 3 blood points and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 6) opposed by the target’s Willpower (also difficulty 6). Assaulting a vampire or other supernatural being costs a point of Willpower as well as the blood. The result depends on the number of successes the attacker achieves after subtracting the defender’s:

Successes Effect
Botch The target becomes immune to further uses of this power from the attacker for an entire month, and strips the user of one point of temporary willpower per one rolled.
Failure The target is unharmed, though she is aware that the attacker tried to affect her somehow.
1 success The target is shaken, unnerved or momentarily stunned, but otherwise unharmed. She loses a temporary Willpower point.
2 The target is badly frightened and loses three temporary Willpower points. If the target is a vampire, her player must make a Curage roll (difficulty 6) to avoid Rotschreck.
3 The target's mind fills with horrid visions, chaotic images or booming voices and she loses six temporary Willpower points and must roll Courage as above. If this causes the victim to lose all of her temporary Willpower, she loses a permanent point of Willpower and suffers three health levels of bashing damage. This damage can be soaked normally.
4 The target loses all temporary Willpower and half her permanent Willpower, and suffers three levels of lethal damage, which can be soaked as normal.
5+ The target's player must roll Willpower (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the target is affected as described under four successes. If she fails, the terrible power of Carnage of the Mind kills her (if mortal) or drives her into torpor (if vampire).

If the target loses all her temporary Willpower as a result of this power, she is rendered unconscious for the rest of the night, in addition to any other effects.