St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

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Anno Domini 1094

Pageant Art 1.jpg


"Another day in this carnival of souls"
"Another nights ends, end as quickly as it goes"
"The memories are shadows; ink on the page"
"And I can't seem to find my way home"

"All the places I've been and things I've seen"
"A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams"
"The faces of people I'll never see again"
"And I can't seem to find my way home"

-- Far From Home by Five Finger Death Punch

The History of Saint Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

But when the amphitheatres became only empty shells, the old performers did not suddenly disappear. You would find them straggling over the highways of this old Roman world, stopping at a barbarian court, drawing a crowd at a fair: the weight-lifter, the acrobat, the daring horseback rider, the man leading a bear. As an after-image in the European mind, perhaps in the living linkage of the flesh, from generation to generation, handing on their arts from parents to children, sometimes greatly venturesome, but no longer committed to death, the old circus folk perhaps continued their play. The monks' chronicles would not notice them, nor, if aware of their existence, even be able to identify them. But as shadow or substance, the circus remained in existence and eventually came back to life in the modem city. Expunged of their Roman sins, the surviving circuses and menageries still recall the Roman way of life. They remind one, too, that Rome itself was once upon a time ‘the greatest show on earth’.

-- Lewis Mumford, The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformation, and Its Prospects.

Places of Interest and the Dwellers Within

St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair is made up of numerous locations, great and small, that make up the warp and weft of not only the day-to-day entertainments, but of the behind the scenes pageant members lives, loves and tribulations. The pageant comprises seventy odd wagons and half as many tents, but only twenty or so seem to have enough significance to count as landmarks in the nebulous night-scape of this traveling circus. Many of the locales serve as focal points for pageant-goers and pageant-folk alike.

Ashes & Dust: Dead Pageanteers

Ravnos male Sahak.jpg Sahak -- The Conjurer {Armenian vampire of the Ravnos}

His Fate: Sahak had the misfortune to cross paths with a most disagreeable mage, a member of the Hermetic House of Tremere, named Lord Casmir in Nürnberg during the late days of April in 1094 A.D. Sadly, he played with fire and he got burned. Although he did not die the final death then and there, later during the day his body was consumed from within and he was no more. He left behind a few friends, several ghoul pets and a young protégé named Kesali.

Dwarf Bes.jpg Bes -- The Elder Dwarf -- {The Egyptian dwarf named Bes has been with the Pageant as long as anyone can remember.}

His Fate: Bes' tryst with the witch Godiva ended, unexpectedly, when Godiva in an attempt to save him, teleported him five feet down beneath the earth of his tent after he was poisoned by a unknown assassin. While Bes is dead, he will not remain that way for more than a few decades for as a member of the Shem-su-Heru (Egyptian Mummy), he is immortal and will be reborn. How he will feel about Godiva when he returns is anyone's guess.

Mortal Kesali.jpg Kesali -- An orphaned Roma girl, who has been taken in by the pageant; she has recently taken shelter with Giulia the bearded-lady after the death of her friend Sahak. [Deceased]
Aldo -- The Retinue's latest acquisition, Aldo's child's body and adult attitude make him a valuable commodity and he also serves to control his more emotional brother Theo. {} [Deceased]
[[ |200px]] Theotleip -- The second of the Retinue's most recent additions, his athletic body, boyish ways and beauty serve to make him a jewel among the Erotes whose services do not come cheap. A favorite among homosexual pedophiles, he serves as the most recent honey-pot of the Erotes. {} [New Member]
Changeling Belenus.jpg Belenus -- The Erlking {Deceased: Killed in Rome by Frater Eadweard, October of 1094 A.D.}
Giant Einarr.jpg Einarr -- The Giant {} []

Camps Within the Pageant

While the "Conspiracy" sounds nefarious, the group primary goal is to learn more about the history, the underlying mystical ground rules, the political goals and makeup of the various camps within the greater Pageant.

To date the group has met but once in secret at a Paris church to establish their cell's ground rules, meeting times and goals. Rambert has undertaken as thaumaturgic study of individual pageabteers starting with one of the new prostitutes.

  • Artimiscia
  • Rambert
  • Aegon

Stories of The Wanderers

The City of Memory -- Alexandria 1096

New Abilities Associated with the Pageant

  • Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant Anyone who deals with the circus for a period of time gains some level of knowledge about its inhabitants and the magic around it. This knowledge reflects that.
