The Maya Realms
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- -- Arcadia -- Fabled Realm of the Mythical Fae Lords
- -- Arda -- Tolkien's Middle Earth.
- -- български с главата надолу подземен гора (Bulgarian: bŭlgarski s glavata nadolu podzemen gora) -- The Bulgarian Upside-Down Underground Forest.
- -- Deniz Şehir (DE-niz Shah-here) -- The Middle-Eastern World of Dreams. If translated literally, it means the maritime city.
- -- Waterdeep -- One of the largest and most detailed settings in the Dungeons & Dragons genre (trademarked).
- -- Isola di Ombre (E-sol-aa D Ohm-brey) -- If translated into English, it literally means the Island of Shadows. The Island of Shadows is an isolated pocket realm set in the vast expanse of the Sea of Dreams.
- -- Isle of Zamhareer -- One such isle lies near the center of the Hyperborean Sea. The Isle of Zamhareer is know to those sailors who work the Hyborean Sea, as Cold Hell.
- -- Ivory Tower -- The ivory tower may or may not be a true dream-realm, more of a dream structure that appears at times of intellectual need; it is often invoked and populated by academia and intellectuals in search of privacy and isolation. The tower's appearance is mutable and each individual sees it a different way. It may be small or large and has the unique ability to appear in other dream-realms regardless of the desires of the rulers of those realms. It can be unconsciously summoned by those who seek intellectual solitude or consciously summoned by those who have visited it before. While it can be summoned in any dream-realm, it possesses no known exit and escape from it invariably leads to awakening in the mundane world. The interior of the tower is formed entirely of pale stone, bone, wood or in the modern era plastic. The interior is has countless levels, each with its own unique architecture and denizens. The denizens of the ivory tower usually seek isolation, though conversation and commerce to occur fairly regularly; those who engage in any form of physical violence find themselves immediately exiled to the nightmare-lands and find reaching the ivory tower much harder then next time they seek it.
- -- The Burning Lands -- The burning-lands are a particularly ancient domain of the dreaming sea. The land is a war-wracked patchwork of desolate and verdant districts that engage in constant conflict for resources and reputation. The most romantic aspects of war are major themes that color the land and its people's values. The undisputed capital is Ashmark, a city built in the crater of a long dead volcano; the fires of Ashmark's fortifications can be seen from all points in the land. The population is divided into two distinct groups, marauding bands of ne'er do well's like bandits and pirates or settlers, who can include landed nobility, villagers and townsfolk. As long as there has been war, the burning-lands have been a realm of the Maya.
- -- The Neverland Archipelago -- The Never Never or the Neverlands are an archipelago of tropical islands lost somewhere in the vastness of the sea of dreams. The island chain is entirely populated by the dreams and fantasies born from the minds of children. The majority of its population are immortal children, but obviously not all, as many of the villains tend to be stereotypically adult in nature.
- -- The Nightmare Lands -- The nightmare lands are the aggregate accumulation of every nightmare landscape ever dreamed. It is a place of wonder and terror. There is only one city in the nightmare lands, Phobos, a free-port city of nearly unimaginable villainy where the outcasts of the dream-realms may reside among their own kind. It is a place that even angels fear to tread, but its the port of last call for those with no where else to flee.
- -- The Sea of Dreams -- The Sea of Dreams is known by many names in countless languages; it is the fluid medium in which the multitude of dream realms manifest themselves. While individual dream realms come and go with the subconscious whims of humanity's aggregate desires, the sea remains static, though it has been variously perceived as an: ocean, a desert, or a vast forest.
- -- Wonderland -- Wonderland is an quixotic antipodean continent that made its first appearance in the dreaming sea in the autumn of 1865. The land is usually accessed via an underground tunnel like a rabbit hole. The land is heavily wooded and lush colonies of mushrooms are abundant throughout the realm. There are well-kept gardens and substantial houses, such as those of the Duchess and the White Rabbit. Wonderland has a seacoast, where the Mock Turtle lives. The land is ruled despotically by the King and Queen of Hearts, who frequently enforce their whims through decrees of capital punishment and kangaroo courts.