Constantinople -- medieval
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- Byzantine Empire -το όνειρο- Istanbul
- • ca. 550 BCE: the Cappadocian Byzar founds the colony of Byzantium. Beshter visits the site.
- • 309 BCE: Alexia Theusa is Embraced in Byzantium.
- • 196: Alexia Theusa helps the romans destroy all Cappadocians. Byzar falls in torpor. The city is run by the Lasombra cult to Aphrodite.
- • 312: Constantine the Great in his bid to become Roman Emperor battles his rival Maxentius outside Rome. Michael, Antonius, and the Dracon now call themselves "the Triumvirate".
- • 324: Constantine defeats Licinius near Byzantium, cementing his claim to the imperial throne.
- • 326: Constantine founds New Rome on the site of Byzantium (later to be called "Constantinople"). The Triumvirate leaves Rome to take up residence in the new capital.
- • 329: Constantine's lieutenant Caius is Embraced by Antonius.
- • 330: the city was re-inaugurated as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great.
- • 337: Constantine the Great dies. The Triumvirate holds the First Council. Magnus, a local Lasombra, pledges himself to the service of Michael when he slays his sire Ectoris and Christianize the new capital.
- • 476: Rome falls to the barbarian Odoacer and Cainites refugees begin to arrive in Constantinople. The Second Council is held, forming the Trinity system of families. The Lasombra Magnus and a group of Brujah known as Lexor are made scions of Michael. Antonius extends protection to Alexia Theusa.
- • 489: Michael invites the Setite Khay'tall to become a Scion.
- • 517: Justin I becomes the emperor under the guidance of his nephew Justinian and the Ventrue Antonius.
- • 527-55: Justinian expands the Byzantium's territories into North Africa and Italy. The Trinity system of families is spread across the empire. The monasteries overseen by the Dracon and the Obertus Tzimisce are severely regulated.
- • 537: Hagia Sophia, the world's greatest Christian temple, is completed in Constantinople. Michael takes up residence.
- • 555-65: Justinian rule ends in chaos as the outlying territories are wrested away. Plague weakens the Empire.
- • 565-600: Plagues repeatedly strike Constantinople. Rumors point to the Dracon.
- • 566: Antonius Embraced Belisarius, Justinian's leading general.
- • 579: Narses, Antonius' mortal rival, is Embraced by Constantius to be made responsible for the italian territories of the Empire.
- • 602: Phocas becomes emperor, beginning a reign of terror.
- • 604: Septima Dominica Embraces Nicepherus. Caius Embraces a magistrate named Epirus.
- • 610: Heraclitus becomes emperor and renew the power of the monasteries, bolstering the Tzimisce power base.
- • 620: the Akoimetai monks serving the Dracon begin transcribing the contents of the Great Library of Alexandria.
- • 626: the Akoimetai monk Gregory the Wonder-Maker is Embraced by an Alexandrian Ravnos.
- • 632: Gregory is adopted by the Antonian Ventrue.
- • 642: Alexandria falls to the Arabs and the Library is burnt to the ground.
- • 660: Narses cuts his ties with Constantinople to rule independently in Venezia.
- • 689: Michael presents the twins Gesu and Symeon to the Dracon and Antonius for Embrace in an attempt to mend the rift between their factions.
- • 701: The Dracon Embraces Gesu, who falls into torpor.
- • 703: Gesu rises and Embraces Symeon, enraging Antonius.
- • 704: The Third Council is held to resolve the matter of Symeon's Embrace. No resolution is reached.
- • 726: Antonius rejects the worship of icons in his war against the Dracon. His favorite childe, Septima Dominica, is angry. Byzantine society is divided.
- • 796: The Fourth Council is held. Malachite Nosferatu is made scion of Michael's Toreador. Caius and Septima propose the destruction of Antonius. Michael and the Dracon acquiesce. Later that year, Antonius is destroyed. The Dracon feels ashamed.
- • 797: Caius becomes Basileus of the Antonian Ventrue with Septima Dominica as his second.
- • 842-67: To restore order, Michael rules directly as Emperor Michael III.
- • 843: A copy of the Malleus Nefandorum is burned in Constantinople.
- • 888: Dracon leaves Constantinople.
- • 890: The Fifth Council is held and recognizes Gesu and Symeon as leaders of the Tzimisce. Michael feels the pull of madness and torpor, leaving the nightly affairs to Petronius.
- • 962: Holy Roman Emperor Otto I's conflict with the Pope.
- • 1001: Witch hunter destroy Septima Dominica, the Ventrue lieutenant of Caius.
- • 1071: the Seljuk Turks defeat the imperial army at Manzikert, striping Byzantium of most Asia Minor.
- • 1073: the Sixth Council is held and Belisarius returns to a position of power.
- • 1081: the Seventh Council is held. The family of Narses of Venice is made a scion to the Ventrue and given trading privileges. Baron Thomas Feroux becomes scion of the Tzimisce. Alexius I Comnenus becomes emperor.
- • 1090-1125: Narses' childe, Alfonzo, serves as a Lasombra priest in Constantinople.
- • 1096-99: Soldiers of the First Crusade travel through Constantinople.
Current Events
- 351,723 and growing daily. {The arrival of the Crusaders in 1096-1097 with add 60,000 to the population.}
Holy Ground
Law & Lawlessness
- Lamp of Constantine -- is a seemingly divine artifact of special importance to vampires and hunters alike.
Private Residences
Whore Houses
The Damned
- Shabah -- Envoy of Alamut
- Ma-ri-ah -- Mary the Black
- Natalya Svyatoslav -- Autokrator
Other Brujah of Note
- Theophilus & Dorotheus -- The Scholars
- Stanislav -- Prophet of Calomena
- Alexia Theusa -- Mistress of Death
- Markus Musa Giovanni -- Cainite Historian
Followers of Set
- Thomas Feroux -- The Baron Gangrel
Magnus Lasombra
- [[]] -- '
Latin Lasombra
- [[]] -- '
- Gregorius Dimities -- Muse of Performance
Maleki Nosferatu
- [[]] -- '
- [[]] -- '
- Gregory -- The Wonder Maker
Currently there are no Salubri in Contantinople, although their kind come and go from the city regularly.
Michaelite Toreador
- Michael the Patriarch -- The Archangel
- Petronius -- The Arbiter {Active Head of the Family}
- Anthemios -- Of Tralles
- Pakourianis -- The Dove *
- Paul Bathalos -- Muse of Sculpture
- Gallasyn -- '
The Other Children of Arikel
Undead Visitors
- Helene -- Toreador Methuselah {Persefoni Spiros}
- Prias -- Helene's ancient bodyguard {Stamatios}
- Mercuzio Tiberus -- Thief of Golgotha & Count of Corinth
- Conrad of Everard
- Erhard of Hasek
- Athanasia -- Grandchilde of Helene
Tiberian Ghouls
- Ansgar -- Son of a guardsman from Augsburg
- Arundhati of Khajuraho -- An Indian princess who was purchased as a courtesan by Cengiz, he is her only hope of ever returning home.
- Marcius Cremaschi -- Head of the Cremaschi family of cloth merchants.
- Flip & Mick Haanraads -- A pair of Danish sailor brothers in the service of Cengiz.
- Durante -- Young Stablehand
There are no Tremere in Constantinople,...yet.
Obertus Tzimisce
- The Dracon -- The Holy Spirit -- {Absent from the Dream}
- Gesu -- Saint of the Divinity Within
- Symeon -- His Brother's Keeper
- Keeper of the Faith -- '
- Myca Vycos -- Carpathian Scholar
Antonian Ventrue
- Antonius the Gaul -- The Original Patriarch -- {Deceased}
- Caius -- Emperor of the Night
- Belisarius -- Progeny of Antonius of Gaul and famous Byzantine general.
- Helena -- The Armenian
- Septima Dominica -- {Deceased: 1001 A.D.}
- Nicepherus -- Caesar Magister
- Ducas -- Palace Prefect