Military Force

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Ranking - Description
1 - - - 15 person mob (unorganized or untrained - student rebels or a street gang)
2 - - - 25 person team (some combat training - police or a crime family)
3 - - - 40 person platoon (all combat trained - SWAT team or army reserves)
4 - - - 75 person troop (veteran mercenary soldiers or terrorist unit)
5 - - - 100 person company (elite troops - special forces company or intelligence unit)
6 - - - Several Companies with a mix of weapons (mechanized infantry or an air assault group)
7 - - - Military Division (thousands of trained soldiers)
8 - - - One Branch (a country's entire army, navy, air force or similar body)
9 - - - One Country (all the Military Force in a single nation)
10 - - - Forces all over the World.