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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

File:Sorceress Polyphonte.jpg

Sobriquet: Meretrice

Appearance: A woman of medium age, her long dark hair shot through with streaks of white, feathers from birds woven in her hair. Her grey eyes are piercing, with an almost round shape if looked at closely. Voluptuous and broad hipped, she sways when she walks, reminding men and women of her carnal delights.

Behavior: Meretrice is sultry and manipulative. She talks mostly about inane things, though at times she asks very pointed and intelligent questions. Few who talk to her ever really know what she has asked them, as it seems to fade quickly into something crude and sexual given a few minutes. Meretrice will offer sex repeatedly in any conversation, but intersperse that with truly penetrating things.

History: A young woman of royal blood, Polyphonte was a natural will worker. Polyphonte spent her time learning from her parents about rulership and from her tutors about the world. Her evenings were spent with a talented Seer who taught her to control her natural gifts of shape changing and nature magic. Her father made a pact with a neighboring lord for Polyphonte to marry. The lords name was Aemilianus Kunala, and he was a brutish man. The girl did not want to be with the man, considering him a blithering idiot and rapacious killer of nature. The man invested time and money with a renowned Sorcerer to strip the girl of her talents that would keep him from controlling her in their marriage. The sorcerer killed the girls mentor with a knife through the heart, and trapped the girl in a weaving that bound her magic in her fertility cycle. Only by giving up her humanity could the girl use her natural gifts.

The girl went to the temple of Aphordite and begged intervention, and the opportunity to escape her husband. Aphrodite granted her wish and put her in touch with her ability to change shape. Polyphonte became a bear, and ran away into the woods. Her husband figured out what happened and tracked her. Unknown to both of them Polyphonte was already carrying the first child of her husband. Polyphonte spent the rest of the pregnancy as a bear, and this affected the child. Her son was born, and his mother returned to human shape to care for him. Polyphonte spent would care for her son, then change to a bear and go hunt, so she could feed them both.

The son was named Aggrios, and began to grow as any boy, though healthy and strong, with the nature of a bear. The two spent many days together, and the mother worked hard to raise a wise young man. But Aemilianus found them, and kidnapped their son. As a bear Polyphonte killed many guardsmen, but Kunala made it back to his estate with the boy, where he held him captive.

Polyphonte grieved, spending many days patrolling the compound, looking for a way to get to the boy. As a bear her ability to work magic was limited, and as a woman it was non-existent. All summer and into the winter Polyphonte roared, catching and killing several of Kunala's soldiers. Eventually she went to den to hibernate, not returning until spring. The boy grew up missing his bear mother, with his father abusing him and making him hate men.

Two summers later Polyphonte met a huge brown bear who told her his name was Two-Oak Climber. They spent the summer nuzzling, and eventually Polyphonte fell in love with the great bear, conceiving a child with him. During hibernation Orieus was born. Like his brother Aggrios, Orieus was not all bear, not all human.

Relationship with Rambert:

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