Sebbastyen Coombs

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Detroit -D- Sons of Santos

Mortal Sebbastyen Coombs.jpg

Sobriquet: Seb -- Short for Sebbastyen

Appearance: Sebbastyen is actually well dressed for a homeless man, usually wearing the last year's best fashions taken from the dumpsters of the downtown wealthy. Seb has medium black skin and a street rough roguish goatee. He smiles readily enough, when there is profit or pussy to be had. And like a cat, he seems to be suspiciously clean given his chosen occupation. In fact the only thing that stands out about Seb is bad left eye, which appears to have atrophied and turned a strange reflective white.

Behavior: The consummate street smart businessman, Seb likes the art of the deal and hustles with the best of them. Self educated and verbose, there is more than a little charm to Seb as he goes about his business turning refuse and forgotten trinkets into street credit and black market wealth.

History: No one, including Sebbastyen Coombs knows anything about his past. He is an enigma. His history on the streets of Detroit began in 1993. He just started appearing in public places hawking his goods and then disappearing back into the shadows like a cockroach.

Recent Events: Day before the last, Coombs sold a box of video tapes to the Sons of Santos claiming that they were as good as snuff-porn and would sell for a good price to the right party. He hasn't been seen since, which is typical.