Mask of Allah

From The World Is A Vampire
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By means of this ritual, an Ashirra can disguise himself, appearing as another person, race or even gender. If sufficiently well enacted, the Mask of Allah allows even a hideous Hajj to pass as a mortal. The ritual requires at least 30 minutes of prayer during which the caster concentrates on the appearance he seeks to attain. Any distraction during this period does ot halt the ritual, but may, at the Storyteller's discretion, have unforeseen results (such as a distorted visage).
System: The player makes the standard Intelligence + Theology roll, but the difficulty depends on the disguise. It is 5 if the character is tweaking their appearance, 6 if they seek to make radical changes and 7 if they are attempting to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex. The effects of the ritual last a number of hours equal to the successes when casting. During this period only characters with Auspex may perceive the caster's true form, and then only by making a Perception + Alertness roll against a difficulty equal to the caster's Wits + Subterfuge.