Talk:Detroit Musings

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Revision as of 06:48, 30 March 2018 by Keith (talk | contribs)
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Detroit Musings

Freaking Awesome blog! I laughed my ass off the entire way. And the best part, is its all true. -- "The Magister 23:34, 19 October 2017 (MDT)"

Funny you should say just this. I wrote this stuff earlier today and was going back over it in my mind on how I wanted to fill in the description. The danger in writing I a known short time span is that I want to get a lot down in a short amount of I drop stuff out I would otherwise put in. Your criticism is well marked. Keith 20:00 MST, 27 March, 2018

The descriptions are emotive and colorful. Your intellectual discussion on the state of vampiric decay is lucid and logical, lending an air of authenticity to your latest work. The scene of Tremen showering in the dark is both tactile and emotionally stimulating -- meaning, I have been there. And your added use of horror as counterpoint to romantic nostalgia was ideal. You reached for it and achieved your goal. Great work Keith. -- "The Magister 22:20, 29 March 2018 (MDT)"

Many thanks. More is more. Tremen walks in darkness of the soul. He is clearest when I evoke that. I wanted the tortured horror hero, it never helps to down play that. Keith 06:47 MAT 30 March 2018