
From The World Is A Vampire
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Description: The Kindred may imbue her audience with the emotions expressed in her song, rousing them to passion or deluging them with seemingly bottomless despair. Princes on good terms with Daughters of Cacophony sometimes have the songstresses croon before they may an appearance, bolstering their fellow Kindred with a sense of loyalty.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 7). Each success instills the chosen emotion in a fifth of the Kindred's audience (more than 5 successes have no additional effect). The Storyteller decides precisely which members of the audience are affected. Characters may resist this power for the duration of the scene with the expenditure of a Willpower point, but only if they have reason to believe that they are being controlled by outside individuals. The song the vampire sings must also reflect the emotions she wishes to engender–no one's going to mob the concert security no matter how well she sings "High Hopes," but they might if she wails "Cop-killer."

Note: Affected individuals should act in accordance with their Natures–enraged Conformists would join a riot but not start one, aroused Bravos may force their attentions on the object of their desire, and jealous Directors may send cronies after their rivals.