Maddening Halo

From The World Is A Vampire
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Discipline Techniques

Auspex 2, Dementation 3

With this clever power, a Malkavian can paint her spiritual halo with insane whorls of light and color to dissuade scrying. Those unwise enough to peer at her with Soulsight find themselves driven mad by the vision.

System: The vampire spends one turn in concentration and the player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 6). The effect lasts for one scene. Anyone who uses the Auspex 2 power Soulsight on the vampire risks madness. If the victim does not score as many successes on the Soulsight attempt as the player rolled when activating Maddening Halo, the spying character gains a derangement for a number of nights equal to the difference. This derangement must be one that the currently affects the vampire protected by Maddening Halo.

Example: The Toreador courtier Roland uses Soulsight to spy on William. Unfortunately for Roland, William has used Maddening Halo to prevent such intrusion, and his player rolled four successes at activation. Roland's player rolls only one success, so the hapless Toreador gains one of William's derangements for the next three nights.

Experience Cost: 21