Lore of Radiance

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Divine Host

  • Voice of Heaven

This evocation allows a angel to speak with a voice like thunder or with the clear, perfect tones of a crystal bell. The clarity and power of the angels words command instant attention, forcing even the most frenzied mind to pause and consider what the ancient spirit has to say. Has no effect on demons, or any thralls with protection from mind-control effects.

    • Exalt

The power of the angels commanding voice is enough to instil hope in the weakest of hearts, spurring mortals to put aside their fears and steal triumph from the jaws of defeat, allowing them a bonus to any one action they may attempt in the next few seconds. Celestials cannot be affected by this evocation.

      • Aura of Legend

This evocation awakens atavistic memories buried deep in the human subconscious, renewing the ancient bonds of fealty that once bound humanity and the angel. The ties run so deep that when they arise, it can sometimes drive all other thoughts from a mortal's mind, leaving only the urge to fulfill the ancient duty once more. The targets of the evocation are filled with a sense of devotion and loyalty towards the demon, defending her from attackers, and following reasonable orders without question. It can be used to affect small groups of mortals, but they must all be kept within line of sight and able to hear the demon's voice at all times for the evocation to function. Thralls can call on the willpower of their master to resist the evocation. Lasts around an hour, or until the victim or angel leaves the area. A person can be a target of this power only once per hour.

        • The Mark of the Celestials

During the War of Wrath, both angels and demons found ways to signify their friends and enemies, subtly altering auras to make subjects easier to find or as marks of anger and shame so that anyone who encountered subjects would know their crimes and treat them accordingly. The evoker must know the target's name (Celestial or True Name in the case of a angel), and be able to touch him. She must then pronounce the nature of her mark so that the subject can hear it. Whenever the victim meets someone new, the newcomer will behave as directed by the mark, unless they have their wits about them, or a great deal of willpower. Angels and Demons are not affected by meeting someone with a mark. Lasts between a day and a year.

          • Revelation

Although mortals and angels alike use artifice to conceal their true natures, this evocation allows a angel to strip away a mortal's layers of deception and reveal them for who they really are. It's a moment of truth that many do not have the heart to endure. If the victim does not have the willpower to resist it, the evoker will see the individual for who he really is - his nature, attitude and beliefs. If questioned, the individual cannot lie or be indirectly deceitful; his answers are direct and straightforward, sparing no detail. By the same token, the individual himself must face the harsh, unyielding truth about his strengths, weaknesses, virtues and faults. The effect is different for different people. Some are harrowed by the experience, whereas others find it cathartic and empowering to have faced the worst aspects of their identity and accepted them. This power has no effect on other demons, but it does affect thralls.