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Sabbat -x- Ventrue Antitribu -x- The Forsaken

Ventrue Antitribu Samson.jpg

Sobriquet: Sampson, but his real name is Ned.

Appearance: Sampson is short, just five foot - five inches tall, and powerfully built as his body veritably ripples with muscle. He wears a closely cropped crew-cut, and clothes that reveal his physique in a positive light like athletic apparel, specifically gym shorts, wife-beater and the most expensive athletic shoe available. Sometimes he goes without a shirt at all to better emphasize his over-developed chest, but he always wears a gangsta's collection of gold chains.

Behavior: Sampson is one angry Ventrue Antitribu, more Brujah than Ventrue, he speaks mainly in grunts and enjoys threatening people more than talking to them. While Sampson can use melee weapons and guns, he prefers to apply a good old fashioned beat-down as a mode of combat.

History: The first people to label Ned Brewster -- "Sampson" did so sarcastically, both because he was weak and because his father insisted he keep his hair closely shorn. Sampson kept the nickname and his crew-cut, but worked out fanatically until none could doubt that his physique rivaled that of his biblical namesake. Of course, the steroids helped as well.

When Jerry Dandrige, a up-and-coming Ventrue Antitribu looking for talented muscle ran across Sampson at a NYC community college, he knew he had found what he was looking for. Sampson spent most of his time in the gym, or dealing steroids to his fellow jocks, when he wasn't bullying the weaker students for their homework or slipping pretty coeds a rufie so his homeboys could pull a train. In Jerry, Samson found role-model and mentor who could keep him out of jail and who turned him onto a substance that pumped him up better than steroids, Cainite vitae.

Sampson spent a few years as Jerry's ghoul before being promoted to Sabbat wannabe, while he survived the Creation Rites, he emerged from his grave with violent mood swings and this made him even more unpredictable and dangerous. Despite this, Jerry kept Sampson as part of his pack figuring that he could dispose of him in some profitable way, later on. Unfortunately, Jerry's recruitment scheme on small college campuses in the Outer Boroughs had caught the attention of a pair concerned academics turned hunters who managed to bumblingly stake Jerry Dandrige and drag his lifeless body out into the noon-day-sun. They missed Sampson, who was slumbering in the basement of a nearby frat-house. When Sampson awoke the next evening and found out what happened, he hunted the hunters down and literally beat them both to a pulp.

The local bishop was so impressed, she elected to promote Sampson to full Sabbat status and found a temporary pack for him among the city's Brujah Antitribu to took Sampson in as one of their own. With a lot of help from local priests, Sampson managed to step on the Path of Honorable Accord and when the odd-ball pack was put together for a potential Chicago siege, Sampson was selected as a good fit for the new pack. The last ten years have seen Sampson return to his old habits, as he mostly feeds from abused women and still deals and uses steroids, all the while trying to prove his worth. But Cameron isn't Jerry Dandrige, luckily for Sampson, but he has found a 'good' friend in the form of Bill Butler who looks after him.

Recent Events: Unfortunately for Sampson, and everyone else, Samson botched a Instinct roll during the invasion of Maureen O'Leery's haven at Dunning Asylum after being staked and his Instinct is now one. This means he is riding the ragged edge of anything like control and has virtually no resistance to the Beast, he will now succumb to the slightest insult and will glut himself on blood every time he feeds, the animal is very close to the surface and he is losing himself.