Light of Vengeance

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level 5.


By spending a Blood POint and using the resulting blood to filter a light source (by smearing it onto the lens of a flashlight, for example), the character can turn any artificial light source into a temporary weapon with almost the potency of sunlight. Any Kindred struck by the filtered light must roll Stamina + Fortitude as if struck by a direct ray of sunlight; 3 or fewer damage depending on how well covered the target is. The difficulty of the soak roll is equal to the caster's Thaumaturgy score. The target must roll Courage at a difficulty of 6, or succumb to Rotschreck, though bystanders are not similarly affected. The effect lasts until the blood dries (2-10 minutes, depending on the amount of heat generated by the light source), and the ritual itself takes three turns. Wounds caused by Light of Vengeance are lethal.