Tempesta Scudo

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level III Rituals

Description: Unlike most rituals, Tempesta Scudo can be cast speedily. The Necromancer performs a short and awkward dance that ends with her biting through her own lip and spitting the blood in a circle around her. All spirits' actions within the circle of blood are made at +2 difficulty. All Risen within the circle have a penalty to their actions of +1 difficulty.
To cast this ritual successfully, the Necromancer must spend one combat turn performing the dance. At the end of the turn, she makes a Dexterity + Performance roll against difficulty 7 (if done outside of combat, the difficulty is only 6.) During the next combat turn, she bites through her own lips (taking a level of bashing damage) and spits (spending one blood point). Then the normal ritual roll is made to see whether the power takes effect.

Reference: CGR 75