Know the Unnatural Beast

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level 2.

(This is a pre-Visceretika Gargoyle ritual)

Gargoyles most commonly engage Tzimisce, Gangrel, and Nosferatu in combat, all of whom are often capable of controlling - or becoming - animals. Since Gargoyles are not created for their discerning minds, the Tremere developed this ritual in order to allow their troops to identify, at a glance, whether an animal is a natural beast or a Cainite in disguise.

Preparing this ritual is fairly quick but sometimes a bother, as it requires a small quantity of blood from a natural animal and either a Cainite from one of the three clans mentioned above, or some other supernatural being that can take animal form (Lupines, for example). Each sample must be mixed with special herbs and then fed to the gargoyle, who can thereafter attempt to tell the difference between a normal animal and a disguised Cainite.

System: The Tremere must succeed in the ritual as usual. Thereafter, the Gargoyle's player may roll Perception + Survival while looking at an animal to tell if it is a genuine beast or simply on e shape of another being. Detecting natural animals requires successes at difficulty 5, while supernatural animals raise the difficulty to 6 (for a Cainite using the Protean power Form of the Beast); 7 (for the Animalism power Ride the Wild Mind); 8 (for Lupines) or even 9 (for ghoul animals).