Paris Timeline
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Even through Louis XIV's death, the short regency, and the rule of the Bon Vivant and Iron-Willed (!!!) Louis XV, the Toreador will hold their power, as the Kindred of France mimic the indolence of their mortal noble pawns.
But some Kindred are still waiting: The Bloodline of Labienus and their Brujah allies work slowly by inducing the ideas that will feed the Revolution fire...
The rule of Louis XVI will prove to be Beatrix's undoing...
18th Century
- 1701: François Villon Embraces his lover, Elle.
- 1709: Exceptionnaly Cold Winter Temperature goes as low as -40 degrees C (that is -40 degrees F, or 233.15K!). The Seine freezes and there will be 24000 to 30000 deaths in the month of January
- 1716: Foundation, by Law, of the first private Bank, the Banque générale de dépot, de change et d'escompte.
- 1738: End of the War of succession of Poland, won by Russia.
- Alexis arrives from Russia (where he helped the French Toreador while in the war), fleeing the Russian Kindred who wants him dead.
- Creation, the 24th June, of the masonic Grande Loge de France.
- 1742: Appearance of a very contagious desease which grippe (rusts) its victim. The disease will keep the French name: Grippe (Influenza).
- 1743: A London Anarch breaks the Masquerade. The Camarilla succeed in covering it, destroys the Anarch, and then officially aknowledges the position of Prince.
- 1745: Madame de Pompadour is used by Elle to ensure the control of Louis XV by the clan Toreador. The control will end at the death of the lady. She will have helped, through, to the betterment of the arts in France.
- 1748: Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, and end of the War of Succession of Austria.
- 1756: The reversing of Alliances: Great Britain becomes the enemy, and Austria an ally. Inspired by Elle. It will prove to be a mistake in a mortal viewpoint, but it will calm down the Clan Tremere of Paris, as they will surrender a mysterious magickal artifact to Beatrix.
- The children of the Duc of Orléans are vaccined to protect them against the Variole (Variola).
- 1760: Foundation of the Institution for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing, by L'abbé de l'Epée.
- 1763: End of the War of Seven Years.
- France loses its possessions in India and Canada, after a costly war against England (Mithras will send back the unopened letter written to him by the now deceased Alexandre... Beatrix will be furious).
- The Place of Louis the 15th is opened. It will become the Place of the Revolution, and after, the Place of the Concorde.
- 1770: Wedding of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of Austria.
- Alliance between the french Toreador and the Austrian Tremere against the Ventrue of Prussia and Great Britain.
- 1771: The Curacy of the Inquisition of Toulouze is is dissolved
- 1775: Creation of the masonic Grand Orient de France.
- 1783: 19th March: Creation of the Ecole des Mines of Paris.
- 8th July: Royal Edict decides all new streets must be at least 30 feet (10 meters) broad.
- 23th August: The balloon Le Globe, inflated with heated air, rises into the air. It will land at Gonnesse where the local priest will exorcise it before having it destroyed by his parish. There was no one in it.
- 21th November: The first Montgolfière with live people in it will rise in the air.
- 1788: The Science Academy edits the first known meteorological map.
- 1789: The French Revolution. Provoked by the negligence of the people's power, by the more and more outrageous privileges of the ruling class (the Nobles, and the Clergy), and by the growing blindness of Beatrix and her Grand Cour to the schemes of Labienus and the Brujah Clan, the people of Paris rebels...
- The takeover of the Bastille fortress (14 July 1789) is the signal of the uprising.
- At first, Beatrix and Villon still believe in the reversal of the revolution, thanks to their alliance with the Ventrue and Tremere Clans of Europe to block the rise in power of the Brujah (they fear a new Carthage).
- First Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme (Declaration of the Rights of the Human Being, or, seen by some as Declaration of the Rights of Man: Olympe de Gouges will write her own text: Declaration of the Rights of the Woman. Yes, she's one of the first active feminists!)
- The Sabbat and the Anarchs prepare for war...
- 1791: The Ste Geneviève church becomes the Panthéon.
- The Anarchs, mainly constitued by Brujah, takes the power as Louis XVI treason is revealed when he tries to flee and is discovered the 20 November.
- Most of the Toreador flee, While Villon and Beatrix stay in France.
- Louis XVI is now King of the French people, led by the French Assembly, and his only power is the right of veto. The 20 April, inspired by Beatrix, he will instigate, a war against his own nephew, François II, Emperor of Prussia, hoping to lose and to be freed by him from the french Assembly. But the defeats will raise the anger of the people against him.
- Louis XVI is jailed the 10 august, and Beatrix flees Paris. But her carelessness and nervousity makes her do a mistake in her flight which cost her her unlife, as the Anarchs and the Brujah (and the Sabbat)follow her. Villon still hides.
- 1792: 25th April: Nicolas Pelletier, a bandit, is Guillotined (executed by the Guillotine).
- A young deputy, named Saint Just (or St Just), clean the corruption from France's institutions and is one of the causes behind the first victories of France against the coalition.
- 22 September, the Republic is proclaimed. Villon flees from France.
- 1793: 21 January: Execution of Louis XVI.
- The Brujah and Anarchs try to put up a government, but soon, the some of the softer, non-Brujah Anarchs and are disgusted by the Brujah's intolerance. Their mortal pawns are jailed and most of them must flee the Terror and die trying.
- June 1993: The comity of Salut Public (Public Salvation?) takes the power, with as its leaders Robespierre, and St Just. Witrh the Terror, the mortal pawns of every influence are executed, and among them a lot of people who shouldn't have. The coalition of European countries invading France to put back the monarchy (and unknowingly, put back a Camarilla Prince) fails.
- 5th October: The Republican Calendar becomes official.
- 16th October, Marie-Antoinnette, wife of Louis XVI and Tremere's agent in France, is executed.
- 8th November: The Louvre becomes a Museum.
- 23th November: Every church in Paris is closed.
- 1794: 11th June: The Terror is proclaimed. From the 11th June to the 27th July, the Revolutionnary Tribunal will decide 1376 Death Sentences.
- The Terror gets out of control (because of Sabbat, Giovanni and Setite infiltration), and no one, no matter his Clan (yes, even Sabbat, or Setite!) is secure.
- 26 June, victory of Fleurus.
- July, fall of Robespierre and end of the Terror.
- 26 July, at night, St Just is Embraced by Robin Leeland, Anarch of the Clan Brujah. He will keep a low profile, cleaning the supernatural population of Paris (Sabbat, Setites, etc.) and siding with the beautiful and passionate Madame Guil.
- A softer Convention takes the power, controlled by various Neonates from various Clans.
- 1795: 20th January: Opening of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure.
- Up to October, the Convention tries to make reactionary reforms.
- October, the Directoire takes the control. The Setite will easily corrupt it, and it will remain so until 1799.
- Villon secretly get back, with Alexis and Ivan. They search for a sutable pawn, and finds in Bonaparte a very astute one, even if he is very strong willed.
- 1796: 4th December: Religion cults are once more authorized.
- 1797: Villon see the signature of the Clan Giovanni in some of the bloodier moments of the Terror, and in the corruption of the Directoire. To remove their new hold in french (and parisian) trade and government, he make Bonaparte destroy the Republic of Venise.
- Clan Giovanni remove their own from Paris, and Bonaparte returns in France in exchange.
- 22 October: Garnerin makes the fist parachute jump (700 meters) from a Montgolfière.
- 1798: The Setites intrigue to make the Directoire send Bonaparte in Egypt, where they hope he will be easily corrupted. Villon is no fool, and send half his Kindred staff (and with them Alexis) to follow his somewhat rebellious pawn.
- 1799: The Egypt expedition by Bonaparte is a failure as the french navy is destroyed in Aboukir. but in a cultural way, it's a success, as the Toreador come back full with relics and information. Alexis is thought destroyed. Bonaparte gets back in France in October.
- 9-10 november 1799, he takes the power from the Directoire, and becomes the first Consul.
19th Century
- 1800: 13th February: Creation of the Banque de France.
- 19th February: Napoleon now lives in the Tuileries.
- François Villon's hold of Paris is growing such that he knows he will soon be considered Paris' Prince. But he still waits to officialize his station...
- 1801: 12th March: The Prefet of the Seine decide the creation of three cemetaries: In the north (Cimetière Montmartre), in the east (Père Lachaise), and in the south (Montparnasse)
- Villon Embraces Lazlo. Villon chooses the Young Neonate as the Toreador Second-in-command, and prepares him for his destiny.
- Organization of the Bourse
- 1802: Construction of the Ourcq Canal.
- 1803: The Banque de France is given the monopoly over the print of money.
- 1804: As the Toreador, led by Villon, want a King in the command of France, they intrigue to kill Bonaparte who is believed to be controled by the Brujah, and who is President for Life. But the murder fails...
- The reaction of Bonaparte is oversized, and the ambitious man prepares to declare himself Emperor with a change of Constitution, the 18 may 1804. No one, not even Villon or the Brujah, will be able to have great control over the Emperor. Even if his control over Bonaparte is tenuous at best, it's still much more powerful than any other Kindred's try to control over the new Emperor, so Villon let it be: After all, Napoleon Bonaparte is a very efficient ruler, and an Emperor's title is more than enough for the Prince of Paris wannabe... So he plans to use Napoleon's resources and threaten the other Princes of France the same way Beatrix threatened them...
- 2 December, Napoleon is the new Emperor, by taking the crown from the Pope's hands as a lesson from Charlemagne's crowning.
- 1805: Villon takes officially the power as Prince of Paris. The soirée was marvelous, and only one event decreased the joy of the new Prince of Paris: St Just chose this night to appear once more, this time as a Kindred of Clan Brujah.
- The Masques are created, under the rule of Ivan.
- 1806: 1 January: Return into the Gregorian Calendar system.
- Three Toreador are killed by Gustav, Prince of Berlin, because of their opinion on his lack of painting talent. The Toreador of Paris took it personnaly, but their letter of outrage were turned back, as an insult.
- As done against the Clan Giovanni, Villon decided it couldn't be. Again, he sent Napoleon march to Berlin, the 27 October 1806. Gustav had to present his formal excuses (among other sacrifices) in front of powerful Kindred before Villon hinted he would remove Napoleon's troops.
- 1808: December: Napoleon's troups enter Madrid. The Holy Inquisition's power is removed and its activities rendered illegal by the french Emperor.
- 1811: 18 September: Creation of the Sapeurs Pompiers fire brigade.
- 1815: Napoleon's rule is barely controlled by the french Toreador, who tried to minimize his actions (no point in attacking the ones who tried to bring back the monarchy...). So, when Napoleon abdicts for the second time (tough guy...), the new french King, Louis XVIII is already Toreador controlled, as is Talleyrand, who succeeded in making the european rulers accept the return of the Bourbon family on the Throne of France.
- Strangely, the artwork stolen in the European museums in Napoleonic conquests won't be given back...
- 1824: The Hieroglyphs are deciphered.
- 1825: After the Death of Louis XVIII in 1824, Charles X becomes the new King of France. As Villon tries to further reactionnary laws, Charles X becomes more and more disliked by the french.
- 1827: Construction of the Palais Brogniart, also known as the Bourse.
- 1828: Creation of the Omnibus, public transport carriage able to transport 18 to 25 people.
- 1829: The Rue de la Paix is lighted by gas system.
- 1830: As he lost the elections, Charles X write the 25 july 1830 four Edicts that remove the Press's freedom, dissolve the newly elected chamber and remove the right to vote from a lot of Bourgeois. Villon wanted to remove some influence of the Brujah (Press) and the Ventrue (Bourgeoisie).
- The 27, 28 and 29 july, the "three Glorious", a Parisian uprising forces Charles X to abdicate. He is replaced by Louis Philippe. The Monarchy of July will be in the middle between conservatism and evolutionary.
- 1832: The Cholera kills 24000 parisians between the 29th March and the 1st October.
- Jean François Champollion is Embraced by Alexis...
- Theti-Sheri Becomes Duchesse of the Followers of Set
- French Toreador can now go to Egypt under the protection of the Setites.
- 1833: The first Obelisk of Luxor, given by the Pasha of Egypt to France in thanks for Champollion's work, arrives in Paris. Because of the problems which happened with the first, it is decided the second Obelisk will remain in Egypt.
- 1836: The Arc de Triomphe's construction is finished.
- The Obelisk of Luxor is erected 25 December.
- 1837: Railroad constructed between Paris and St Germain en Laye.
- 1842: 18th May: First railroad accident in France, near Meudon (57 deaths, and 300 people wounded).
- 13th July: Death of the Duc of Orléans, who fell on his head when his horses became mad.
- 1843: 20th October: First experience of electrical lighting of the Place de la Concorde.
- 1844: 29th December: Creation of a Council of Prud'hommes. It will be installed in 1845 in the Palais de Justice.
- 1845: First success in telegraphic liaison between Paris and Rouen.
- 1848: Again, the Anarchs and the Brujah, secretly helped by Labienus' Bloodline, moves against Villon. but this time, Villon is ready: The 24 February, the Second Republic is proclaimed. Slavery in the colonies will be declared illegal.
- 10 December, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is elected President. He is the leader of the movement of Order. The Palais de l'Elysée becomes the home of the french presidents.
- 1851: Beginning of the Louvre's renovation.
- 1852: 2 December: In the anniversary of the Sacrement of Napoleon and his victory at Austerlitz, Louis Napoleon succeed in a coup d'état and becomes Napoleon III.
- 2 December: Lazlo becomes the official Duc of the Toreador.
- Strangely, Napoleon III legalize the Universal Suffrage which was unknown in other countries. Some see the hand of St Just, but even this kind of vote was flawed because of electoral limitations and governmental pressure...
- 1866: The Electrodyne Engineers announce the creation of their formation. Still part of the Technocracy, the ancestors of the Sons of the Ether want to lead the world into a new era of scientific discoveries.
- The Prussian army wons the war against Austria. Gustav joy is so great it must be heard up to Paris... France waits for the Prussians to turn their army against her.
- 1867: Strangely, the french deputies refused a reform that would have legalized conscription for every french young man... (Loyalist Ventrue intrigue?)
- 1870: Prussia declare war to the France. To the surprise of other European countries which believed France was prepared, Prussia wins easily.
- 4 September, as Napoleon admit his defeat, the Paris rejects the Empire and proclaim the Republic. But the Prussian army continues its movements and is at the door of Paris the 19-20 September.
- 1871: The Commune
- 18 May 1871 to 27 May 1871: The Commune of Paris. The Anarchs and the Brujah run free in the nights of Paris. The call for Communes in every great french city is a failure.
- 24 May The Palais des Tuileries (Part of the Louvre!) is burnt to the ground by the Anarchs/Brujah and their followers.
- 25 May Sarah, a Daughter of Cacophony, is destroyed by Henry, a Toreador, with the help of some Brujah hoping to get his help to flee Paris!.
- 26 May The Hôtel de Ville (Mayor's building) is burnt too.
- 27 May 1871: The Great Hunt: Blood Hunt against the Brujah Clan for destroying Villon's private library and collection of artwork in the Tuilerie (Violation of the First Edict). Some of the Brujah Elder will join Villon in his decision.
- 28 May, the Great Hunt is followed by all Clans.
- For their help in removing the Commune threat, the Clan Ventrue is given the Versailles Palace as a Clan Domain. Lanienus takes possession of the Palace. Even if he seeks to build a Republic, he still sees value in Order. But thanks to him, the attempt to put back some Monarchy will fail, and the Third Republic will survive the Commune Uprising.
- 4 June, Constance, Sarah's Childe, kills Henri in front of the Cour by using a terrific scream.
- 1872: A monster of strange origin walks from the Seine, and enters the Louvre, destroying some of Villon's Ghouls.
- 1873: Labienus becomes the Duc of the Ventrue, replacing the retired Mélisande
- 1880: The remaining Idealists (eight Elders) choose Brother Thomas as their leader. Villon aknowledge it and the Brujah Idealist presence in Paris by inviting Brother Thomas to join the Grand Cour.
- 1887: Michelson and Morley finds the Ether does not exist, as the speed of light is not influenced by the movement of the earth into the Ether.
- The Electrodyne Engineers are outraged by the direction taken by the Reality, and blame the other Conventions.
- The Technocracy is surprised, as the Michelson & Morley's experience is also the proof that the speed of light is constant, no matter the referential used!
- The ancestors of the Virtual Adepts, as well as Iteration X, believe they have found the solution: Reality can have escaped the hold of the Mages as the first Theories of the Technocracy were flawed and didn't permitted a stable Reality. Reality could have acquired a type of intelligence, or at least could have attained some state of stability beyond the both the Theories created by the Traditions and the ones created by the Technocracy. They keep their information for themselves.
- The Technocracy seems to lose the control of Reality as their theories, influenced by Newton and weakened by Maxwell, can't describe it at high speed, or give paradoxal solutions (infinite energy within infinitesimal frequency of light).
- 1889: The Sons of Ether start their plans to quit the Technocracy and join the Traditions.
- Eiffel Tower completed.
- The Universal Exposition is a success.
- François Villon becomes one of the central figures of the Clan Toreador, worldwide
- 1894: The Leader of the parisian Order of Hermes finds the Tremere are behind the murders of three Hermetic apprentices.
- Gustacio, Master of the Tremere Chantry of Paris, finds the Order of Hermes Mages are behind the disappearance of two Tremere apprentices.
- The Order of Hermes asks the help of the other Traditions, as they fear the Tremere are trying to steal them their magickal artefacts.
- The Tremere, fearing the Mages are trying to make experiences about Paradox requiring Kindred Blood, asks the help of the Camarilla.
- Anarchist terrorism. But for once, the Anarchs or the Brujah are not behind it: It's the visible part of the War of Traditions: Tradition Mages, defending their Magickal Nodes and Artefacts, are fighting Camarilla Kindred fighting to protect the Tradition of Masquerade.
- Casualties are high in each side. The Tremere and Order of Hermes are thought to use this situation to further their own little vendetta problems by their allies.
- The War is too visible: The Inquisition tries to destroy lone weakened Kindred and Mages.
- The Sons of Ether plan to use their knowledge about the truth behind the War of Traditions to make their place among the Tradition Mages
- While the Masques fight the Mages in the streets and behind the political/police scene, the Veilleurs search the reason behind this War. While they discover the Tremere and Order of Hermes are indeed to blame, they discover the hand of the growing Technocracy behind the violence outbursts.
- François Villon and the Leader of the Sons of Ether meet after preliminary encounters between the Sons of Ethers and the Veilleurs. They decide the War has no reason to be, and sign secretly the Peace of Tradition Treaty.
- Villon writes his Edict about the limitation of meetings with Mages.
- The Leader of the Sons of Ether meet the leaders of the Traditions in Paris, and ask their help for their reconversion. The Nine Traditions of Paris accept the peace treaty with the Kindred.
- The Tremere are punished of breaking several Traditions and for the actions that led to the War. They must leave Paris under the threat of Blood Hunt. They will come back only in 1918, at the end of World War One.
- The Order of Hermes must surrender half their Nodes and magickal artifacts to the other Traditions. The Sons of Ether continue to plan their treason against the Technocracy.
- Beginning of the Dreyfus Affair, where a innocent officer will be condemned because he was suspected of having betrayed France over the Germans because he was jew. Even after proof will be made that he was indeed innocent, the french army will, still, let him in the jail. It is, if it was needed, a proof (as the Kindred were not behind this), of the height (and depth) of the possible corruption and callousness of humankind.
- Criaâr, the Corax Abomination Sired by Gustacio, is invited in the Veilleur's sect. Veille becomes the central Path of Thaumaturgy of the Veilleurs.
- Sophie is suspected by Phantomas and must flee Paris.
20th Century
The Lupines awaken from their slumber. They find that the war they are fighting is probably hopeless. They are so weak they can only defend themselves with little hope of counterattacking...
- 1900: Planck advance a timid theory about the quantification of light, but won't have the courage to go beyond...
- 1901: 1901-1904, the Bloc of Left legalize the Laws against the congregations (against the churches). François Villon have little patience for the church since the War of Traditions...
- 1904: Albert Einstein, until now unknown from the scientific world, writes five articles in scientific reviews. Four of them induce revolutions in science.
- The Technocracy is surprised to learn that light is wave and particle in the same time. Their Paradigm is greatly weakened.
- Proud of their manipulation of the Paradigm, the Sons of Ether officially becomes (with the financial help of the Kindred of Paris) a Tradition, betraying openly the Technocracy. Now, the Ascensíon War will be fought in Science itself. While the Technocracy (Void Engineers) will win in the field of the galactic scale with the General Relativity Theory created by Albert Einstein, the Sons of Ether will win the battle of the sub-atomic scale with the Quantum Theory created by the scientific School of Coppenhaggen, and its leader, Niels Bohr.
- 1905: Separation of the Church and the State.
- The political power of the Catholic church will not stop decreasing...
- First Century anniversary of Villon's crowning as Prince of Paris and France. Great celebration in the Louvre.
- 1912: March, 14. The Titanic disappears under the seas, taking the lives of 1500 people.
- 1914: World War One
- The German Ventrue of Gustav declares war to the French Toreador.
- 1914-1918. In the middle of millions of corpses, more or less fifty Lupine dead bodies can be found, caught between German and French lines.
- 1917: The Brujah take the control of Russia. The Anarchs are decimated as their views about Russia diverge from those of the Brujah.
- 1918: End of WWI
- The Tremere Clan is accepted back in Paris if they respect Villon's Edicts.
- The Tremere accuses the Veilleurs of having stolen Thaumaturgical secrets from their abandoned Chantry.
- Alexis shows the proof that a Tremere is not able to understand easily Hekau Thaumaturgy, and thus, that their accusation is silly.
- Villon, outraged by their accusations, limits power of the Tremere in Paris, by limiting their use of Thaumaturgy.
- 1920: Creation of the French Communist Party. The Brujah succeed in building the base of their future pyramid of power without setting a single foot in Paris!
- 1929: The Crisis make it easy for the political Left to be more and more controlled by the Brujah.
- Political scandals.
- Villon is accused by Labienus of looking the other way when a Brujah is seen in Paris.