Josette Guerin

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Podgorica City

Toreador, embraced in or near Paris in the late 17th century. Josette Guerin survived twenty years as Scourge of Paris in the early 19th century, then after a few decades she re-emerged as a strong right hand of the city's Sheriff. In 2010, as the Sabbat Crusade began devastating Camarilla holdings in the new world, Josette accepted the position of Prince of Podgorica. With the support of the Inner Council, she has issued a carte blanche pardon and offer of position to all those who would put themselves on the line against the Sabbat. She travels with a strong retinue of kindred and mortal guards, and is known to read the minds of vampires who drop in without strong recommendation or who she suspects might be traitors. Still, she has been true to her word of pardon so far, and is not known to have revealed any irrelevant secrets she may have discovered through such heavy handed methods.