Seth Dalibor Petocs

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Melbourne -X- Tremere

Tremere Seth Dalibor Petocs.jpg

Sobriquet: Seth

Appearance: Seth is a golden boy with bronzed golden skin, and shiny golden hair. He has icy blue eyes, and perfect white teeth. He is a handsome golden Adonis, who's time on the beach and in the sea made him beautiful.

Behavior: Seth was born to Jacob Adrianne Petocs and Elizabeth St. Peters-Petocs, two elite, wealthy import/export tycoons. They both inherited substantial money, and had begun to develop their own before Seth came along. He was the third child, being the brother of Jacob Jr and Susan. After Seth came Peter. The family mainly lived in Australia, but were actually world travelers, and spent much time abroad.

Seth was taught mainly by tutors, but did attend a high school in Melbourne for a couple of years as he was graduating. He played Football (soccer to Americans), La Cross, and even made the Australian Surfing team. After High School Seth began to attend Melbourne University. At University he began to learn biochemistry, and doing some dabbling in physics. He was highly successful, and his professors liked him, for his families money and for his brains. By the time he was a third year student, he had become very talented at manufacturing party drugs for his friends. That was where he met Natasha.

The two hit it off, equally attracted to the others beauty and intelligence. They became and item, and seemed a good match. One night after they had been dating a few months Seth slipped Natasha a new synth drug he had made to enhance her desire for sex. On the beach that night he got his wish, but unbeknownst to him, he fractured Natasha's perception of time with the drug. After their coitus, Natasha disappeared for a few months, before returning to the University very changed. She was more self possessed, more self assured, and not interested in Seth. She told him she didn't want to see him anymore. Seth was crushed.

Five years passed, and Seth kept coming around, and on one occasion he saw her feeding from a fellow student. Telling the Professor, he went to eliminate her ex-boyfriend. When Charles Cipher found the boy, he was in the middle of an advanced experiment on the energy of a particle reactor the young man had created. Unknown to Seth what he had done was create a small reaction in the time matrix. Ciphers work in Rego Temporis had led him to be knowledgeable about what this would look like. Seeing the boys potential to his work Cipher offered a boon to Taylor for the right to embrace the boy. Seth is very unhappy working for Professor Cipher who he feels is stealing his genius. His love for Natasha has blinded him to much else. Seth met a shadowy man when hunting last year who tempted him with tales of freedom from the Tremere Clan and Professor Cipher. The shadow man who calls himself Caliphaes has appeared to Seth at different times, and gave him a tome of rituals that the Professor had never shown him. Seth now is meeting with Caliphaes and feeding him information about the politics of the city and it's defenses. Seth is looking forward to helping the Sabbat take the city of Melbourne and set Seth free to love Natasha again.

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