Reza Fatir

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Sabbat -x- Assamite Antitribu -x- 25:17

Assamite Antitribu Reza Fatir.jpg

Sobriquet: The Dark Angel

Appearance: Reza's features are distinctly Middle Eastern. His hair is short except for a long braided ponytail that is tied with gold rings for each of his kills (there are over 50 - so far). Reza wears suits that lend him a simple, yet powerful elegance. During war parties and crusades, he wears traditional robes.

Behavior: In many ways, Reza is the spiritual leader of 25:17. His quiet and contemplative ways often contrast with the pack's flashy nature. Reza is soft-spoken, often quoting from the Qur'an and offering wisdom to those who are willing to listen. In combat, he is brutal, fierce and efficient.

History: Reza Fatir was the newest member of 25:17. He was indoctrinated into the Sabbat and the pack during the war for Chicago. Reza's and Ezekiel's first encounter proved almost fatal for both. The stood on opposite sides; Reza was under contract to search out and destroy Sabbat operatives in Chicago. Ezekiel and 25:17 escaped Reza's first attempt to destroy them and a game of cat-and-mouse ensued, each taking turns at being the hunter. In the end, it was Ezekiel who surprised the Assamite, and a duel began that lasted the entire night. As both rivals exchanged blows, their respect for each other grew. Ezekiel tried to enlighten Reza to the purpose of the Sabbat, telling Reza between blows that he was whoring himself to the Camarilla while his clan suffocated under the yoke of the Treaty of Tyre.

Reza tried to remain true to his mission, but the Serpent's words struck home. Reza thought of the ancient glory of Alamut and of how the Camarilla had indeed sold itself. Then -- Reza made his decision.

As sunrise approached, Reza fought ferociously, Ezekiel's determination was no match for Reza's discipline and skill, and within a few minutes, Ezekiel lay helpless. Without saying a word, Reza vanished, allowing Ezekiel to live.

The following night, Reza tracked Ezekiel down and offered his services to the Serpent and the Sabbat. Ezekiel accepted both. Reza's Creation Rite was a long and drawn out affair -- it tested Reza's physical and mental limits. The ceremony culminated with the destruction of Reza's sire. The Assamite has been loyal to Ezekiel ever since, grateful to the Serpent for opening his eyes to the truth that so many Assamites have ignored.

Recent Events:

Player Notes: We now know that he is an agent of the Tal'Mah'Reh. We do not know anything about the rest of his pack, but only Sol'dat would qualify.

Reza Fatir's Statistics