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Followers of Set x Berlin

Follower of Set Nefertiti.jpg

Sobriquet: My Queen. Your Majesty. Mistress...

Appearance: Nefertiti is a stunningly beautiful woman with long black hair and even blacker eyes. She smiles only slightly, and her eyes have an evil gleam. She stands roughly five feet tall. Normally, she wears loose-fitting clothes of black or green, and several gems in rings and other jewelry.

Behavior: She is progeny of Set himself, and has been one of his trusted lieutenants since the time of her Embrace. She fears nothing, content in the knowledge that she and her assistants can handle any problem. She will kill anyone foolish enough to be discovered inside her haven. Her plans have progressed too far in the pursuit of her great revenge to allow anything to get in her way.

History: Nefertiti was once an Egyptian princess and, according to her words, queen before she fell from grace. Some say that she was Pharaoh Akhenaten's consort of the same name, though other venerable Setites like Neferu might question such a claim. In her living days, she fell to the charms of the Ravnos Ankla Hotep until she learned that the only things the scoundrel Ravnos wanted were her body and her wealth, leaving her heart-broken. After Set saved her from death via the Embrace, Nefertiti came to fully accept her new role within the Clan and became one of the greatest propagators of Set's goal. Her activities over the centuries, however, remain unknown, hinting that she spent a great deal in Torpor.

Recent Events: Today, Nefertiti resides in Berlin, near the Museum that contains a limestone bust of her as mortal queen, working via agents like Peter Kleist to prosper in the chaos and pursuing an alliance with the Bane Mummy Saatet-Ta to bring ruin upon the city. She also orchestrated the events surrounding the Ascension of Caine, in which she forced her former lover Ankla Hotep via an amulet to actually believe himself to be Caine.