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Followers of Set -L- Leon -P- Paris -x- Berlin


Sobriquet: The Serpent.

Appearance: Vespa is luscious Italian brunette with a full bosom and classically rounded features. She is 1.6 meters tall and probably weighs 60 kilos sopping wet. She has classically refined looks, which seem out of place in common settings - in some ways, she looks a little too good to be true. Her face has two primary features which dominate her appearance - her eyes which are honey colored and her mouth which is ideal for kissing. Regardless of her mood, she exudes a casual sensuality that provokes lust in most men and more than a few women. Vespa has an extensive wardrobe to compliment her intense femininity, but she would look just as seductive barefoot, in ratty jeans and a hand-me-down work shirt.

Background: In a letter of introduction to the Prince of Sofia, Vespa states that she was embraced in 1791. By looks alone, she was at least twenty-five years old when she was embraced and no older than thirty; thus, she was probably born any where between 1761 - 1766. Given those numbers, she has been a vampire for over 200 years and if her mortal years are included she is rapidly closing in on 250. In the previously mentioned letter, she also states that she is indeed a "Follower of Set", that her sire is Hesha Ruhadze and that her grand-sire was Ibn Ruhadze. From her obvious love of beautiful things, it has been speculated that she follows a debased variation of the Road of the Serpent - the Path of Typhon. It is now beyond speculation that she has been in Sofia since the autumn of 2013. It has also been noted that she has made inroads into the upper echelons of mortal society in the capital.

Personality: Any speculations on Vespa's personality are just that.

Current Events: Vespa has reached out to the current Prince of Sofia, but has as of yet, failed to come to any reasonable terms with him. She has offered to speak to him in a neutral location and to present herself in Elysium, provided she is offered a second or third probationary period of a year and a day. Things came to a head in early 2016. Somehow, Vespa found herself in a feud with the Ravnos Madame Mina. Sudden anti-Gypsy riots broke out for several nights, but just as suddenly, Vespa announced that she would be moving on to Leon. She has been seemingly true to her word, though she still retains significant interest in Sofia and Bulgaria through her husband, including the now abandoned and poisoned valley where Gabrovo once stood.

Player Notes: Vespa is a beautiful Italian woman who has seemingly recently infiltrated the Sofia Valley. She has taken residence in a town called Kostinbrod, which lies north and west of Sofia. Her mansion was a former munitions factory renovated to the luxury of a five-star hotel, which she uses to entertain the beautiful wealthy members of Sofia society. One of her minions, Mai, was Kamiko Tanaka's mortal lover before and during the final stages of the former Scourge's degradation. An Akhu talisman in Mai's possession matches the distinctive non-signature of the infernal magic that affected the coterie to interfere with our ability to intervene in Kamiko's fate, indicating that Vespa herself, or (more probably) one of her as yet unknown associates, is a skilled practitioner of sorcery as well as an infernalist.

Remember that Settites are rarely encountered alone, and that many of their more favored servants are fully informed willing cultists rather than dupes and hirelings. Based on her surroundings and obsession with beauty, Vespa is probably a follower of the Path of Ecstasy.

Vaporize notes: sire is Hesha Ruhadze - Camarilla Setite that wanders about.