Incubus Visage

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Koldunism Level 4

During less progressive times, people born with defects or abnormalities were thought to be touched by demons and devils while in the womb, so they were treated as outcasts. Similarly, Tzimisce koldun would cast this ritual as punishment for sexual or theft crimes committed by their boyars. The koldun seduces one of his bound nature spirits to warp the physical features of a mortal or Kindred, distorting facial features by elongating the nose, bulging the eyes, extending the teeth and chin. Mucus runs freely from the nose, saliva drools out of the mouth, boils and pock marks break out over the entire body, open sores drip a yellowish ooze and a hump swells between shoulders. Very soon, the victim resembles the most hideous of mortal beings and is reviled by society.

System: The ritual must be cast on the night of a half-moon, and the koldun must ingest and spend one blood point from a boar, along with a piece of the victim's skin. For every success scored, a victim will suffer the adverse effects of Incubus Visage for one phase of the moon, for a maximum of another half-moon phase. The victim's Social Attributes drop to zero, and he gains the Flaw: Eerie Presence (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 302).

note: This is a particularly inapt name, since an Incubus is a male counterpart to a Succubus, and as such is presumable extremely beautiful, not hideously ugly. -Jamie