Imp's Affliction

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Level 1.

A disgusting ritual, the Imp's Affliction curses the subject by aggravating his ears, throat, and nose. Mucus membranes inflame, ears fill with liquid, the throat becomes raspy and dry, and the subject's eyes brim with tears. This ritual requires merely that the thaumaturge write her victim's name on a scrap of paper.

System: The Imp's Affliction lasts for one scene, during which the victim becomes winded after five minus Stamina turns. Subjects so exhausted suffer a temporary level of unsoakable bashing damage, which vanishes at the end of the scene as he symptoms disperse. This ritual is most often used to torment people in social situations, as their unpleasant maladies make them odious, to say the least - the difficulties of Social rolls for a character stricken with the Imp's Affliction increase by one. This ritual has no effect on Kindred.