Juan Bustamonte

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Paris -P- The Gangrel History of Paris -P- Gangrel

Sobriquet: Juan

Appearance: Juan is a tall man with a delicate muscle build. He has green eyes that glimmer in the dark like those of a cat, and long dark hair with (like his Sire) have two white streaks in each side. Another bestial trait is the quasi-animal way with which he studies strange sounds. When he hears a sound that surprises him, his ears and head seem to move in a most predator-like way.

He also has a scar under the left cheek (car accident), a gold earring at the left ear. He also have a tattoo (made with Vicissitude while he infiltrated the Sabbat of Tampico) around the left arm.

Juan have a wide range of clothing, from the most practical (Gangrel-like) to the most luxurious (Ventrue-like?) making him the aim of some of the numerous jokes made against the Clan Gangrel (after all, he doesn't seem to be a real Gangrel...).

Behavior: In the contrary to the younger Juan. The 1997 Juan is a very mature one. He likes to think a lot before acting, or resorting to violence. He was affected, once, by a Derangement that asked for everything around him to be perfect. While this Derangement doesn't affect him anymore, he still have some little quirk in this way.

Since the Death of Tania, he is a loner. As he only confided to her when alive, he has no one now to tell his most secret thoughts.

He is very territorial, and even more now that his precedent haven was burned. He acquired the same way an intolerance for drug dealers that can lead him to limited (but cruel) violence.

History: Juan Bustamantes is born the February, 21th 1950 in Spanish Andalusia form a Spanish father and a french mother. Life in Spain was cool: Sun, beach, etc.

In 1962, his parents moved to France. Soon, his life in France proved to be a failure: Brawls, cars stolen. It took him the death of his mother to change him enough to make him try for medical studies. He met, then, Tania. One of the most beautiful women he had never seen, and one pure soul whose friendship would illuminate Juan's life. Soon enough, this deep friendship changed to love.

But destiny choose otherwise. Someone was looking after Juan. David, a Gangrel, was really interested by the young boy, and soon decided to Embrace him.

The Embrace was horrible. Even more because Tania was there when the dark man followed and then stalked Juan. And then because, in a typical Gangrel fashion, David let Juan alone, with the curse.

Some years after, he found the courage to meet again Tania. She was older, and he could swear she was even more beautiful than ever. The emotion they felt when they meet again was such even years after it could make Juan's undead heart beat once or twice when he would think about it...

In 1983, they exchanged their blood for the first time, and without even knowing it, Juan had made a Ghoul from Tania. But still, as his Sire observed him in secret, he had developed no Discipline!

Making the comparison between Juan and his Kindred sister, Catherine was easy: Juan had the mentality of the Gangrel Clan, but still had not developed any Discipline, even after 10 years. Cath was seen using Protean claws. Still, the two shared strange similarities in their nature.

In 1993, a new coterie was formed, and the two Kindred were put together, without even knowing about their common Bloodline. Together, with Jonathan Nostram, Dominique and Ron Stewart, they became the nucleus of the team of Veilleur apprentices.

In one mission, they had discovered a Tremere named Henrique who had used the Parisian Camarilla to further his own ends. The hunt had finished with Juan trying to save a Ghoul from certain death. But she was already dead, and he only created a new Vampire. His Childe. Priscilla was an Autist, through. Villon would have had her destroyed, and Juan punished but for her mental state: The Gangrel only Embraced those who could survive by themselves. The Parisian Gangrel were a caricature of true Gangrel. David, Juan's Sire, showed more Ventrue behavior than Gangrel one, and Juan was following his Sire in this way. And now, he Embraced an Autist!

Villon accepted the Childe's existence. And Juan and Tania had now a baby to care about. In the same time, Juan had a new project called the Rowane Agency, a detective agency who would in truth hide Kindred involvement. Alexis accepted and helped create it.

But the successes couldn't last forever: A treason from Dominique changed it all: Kindred, even those you thought friends, could betray you.

While only Cath and Dominique were affected, the whole coterie was projected in the real World of Darkness.

Soon after, the coterie imploded.

Even when they accepted to help Juan and went to Tampico to murder the local Archishop in exchange of Tania's life, they came back with anger in their heart.

Juan wasn't a stranger in all this. To save Tania, he had accepted Meryt-Neith's offer, and soon, his Generation increased up to 7th. While he claimed to have Diablerized in Tampico to keep up the appearance of a typical Nomadic Pack, the Diablerie had occurred in Paris.

And something had sensed it.

One night, he awakened in a bed he didn't know. When he turned around, he saw the sleeping body of a woman he knew was a Toreador, but to whom he had never spoken. The whole bed was blood-soaked, and Marlène left no doubt about their love affair.

(Note of the Storyteller: You should have seen the face of Eric, Juan's player, when we played the scene!)

Not much time after, Juan's house was burnt to the ground. Tania was dead, and Priss was dead too.

David marveled at the coincidence: While Cath was now alone, crying over her sad unlife, Juan was now falling in a similar depression. The two disappeared from Paris' night (un)life, only to come back two years after.

And each one was stronger. While Cath was now living with the Anarchs, and was visibly learning new tricks, Juan came back as full Camarilla. He sold his house and every other possession, and this money was used as resources. He started to live by himself. He moved to Vincenne, (strangely) near the Haven of the Lady,

But someone is watching the two, now. And it is not David anymore. Francesca had discovered saved Tania just before the conflagration, and she learned the hard way that she had Embraced the True Love of a powerful Gangrel. And in a similar way, she had seen Cath using Obtenebration, and she wonders how she learned that...

Surely, the story of the two Kindred twins is not over...

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Credit to the Author: https://augias.org/pbn/juan.htm