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Sant Antoni de Portmany

Background: Club Idea was the brainchild of the controversial Catalan businessman Xavier Cabeu who became the enemy of Chivato in 1985. Xavier Cabeu thought he could destroy the Asp by creating a rival club with cheaper booze, entertainment and music - the idea was to bankrupt the young man who ran Es Paradis.

Unfortunately for Chivato, Xavier was an attractive man, so the asp went about the business of what he does best sin and completely corrupted Xavier. When Xavier died in 2007, he was black balled by his former business associates, had ruined his few friendships and was abandoned by his family after he was "inspired" by Chivato to rape his wife and daughters. His final degradation was to be embraced by Chivato and blood bound to the Asp, but he is still one of Chivato's more physically attractive slaves.

The Club Idea sat abandoned for almost 30 years as Xavier slowly slide into complete depravity. But, while the construction project was abandoned, the site saw considerable use as a mass grave for those inevitable mistakes that Chivato's many mortal and immortal guests committed. In 2011, the bodies had piled-up and Chivato decided it was time for a final coverup, so he had the site demolished through the auspices of the town council and paved over as additional parking for Es Paradis Club.