Maison de Tolbiac

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Maison de Tolbiac.jpg

Sobriquet: Theatres des Vampires (a sarcastic nickname granted by the harpies for the rundown little theater run by Paris' most hated Toreador - Simon Le Gris).

Appearance: The Maison de Tolbiac is a run down theater in the 13th Arrondisement. Itinerant troupes of actors perform here, and there is only a small audience at the best of times. The owner Simon Le Gris has been putting a lot of effort into improving the looks of his theater, in an effort to attract a better clientèle. While the area around the theater is mostly Chinese and Vietnamese, he has seen an increase in Caucasian traffic.

The Theater is a 200 seat half round performance venue.


Cost of Operation: 2,000 Francs per month


Recent Events:

Silent Partner: Innes Emerson Marsden