Stefan Rutigar
- Brujah -B- Friedrichshain
File:Stefan Rutigar.jpg
Sobriquet: Die Faust in English, The Fist.
Appearance: Stefan seems like a typical young man in his late teens. He stands about 6 foot tall, with a slender, but athletic build. Stefan is clean shaven with curly auburn hair that just touches his shoulders in gleaming ringlets. He is fond of Western street fashions, especially those typical of the last couple decades of the twentieth century: blue jeans, heavy-metal t-shirts, and black leather biker boots.
Behavior: Stefan smiles often and seems friendly, at least in the beginning, but there is an edge of danger in his eyes, as if he is challenging those he meets to test themselves against his metal. He is quite flirtatious with women, pouring on the machismo in pursuit of a potential seduction or when he is establishing his Alpha status with other men. But he is a skilled player of this kind of mental game and he knows precisely when to stop so as to avoid seriously offending his target.
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