Settite History in Paris

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Paris -P- Followers of Set

Few Clans are seen as corrupt as are the Followers of Set. The Sabbat even decided to destroy them whenever possible. The Camarilla, through, is still blind at the corruption the Setite can create around them, and generally see them as dangerous but useful pawns, as are the Assamite.

When the Camarilla formed, the new Camarilla Kindred were not too sad to hear few of the Setite answer the call. One of them was Theti-Sheri. She had arrived in Paris with the Ventrue Alexandre and she was already known as a Kindred who loved pleasure before anything else. Her first victory was when she agreed to help remove the Lupine threat from Paris in exchange of a title of Primogen. While she failed to get the title, she caused the destruction of the Prince, and succeeded with his help to ward Paris against the Lupines who threatened her interests.

Of course, some among Alexandre's closest advisors (among them Saviarre) thought Alexandre was mad to accept this. Others thought Theti-Sheri was even more by claiming such stupidity. Her knowledge of Thaumaturgy was outstanding for one not of the Clan Tremere, at a time when even them were struggling to control their Discipline, and effectively, she succeeded, with time and work (and sacrifices, but no one knows or even wants to know) to corrupt slowly the capital of France and its surroundings, and make this region unsuitable for them. The Lupines started to fight each others as the woods receded, instead of uniting to fight the human threat, and even the Gangrel knew infighting. The two comunity knew, then, a decrease of their numbers, as well as their sanity unknown before. The corruption was subtle, and with the help of others Setites, and carefully laid intrigues, she succeeded to advance in her goal.

When Beatrix took the Prince's crown, Theti and the Clan took a more active part within the Kindred Harpy whose power was growing fast. Even through her Torpor, the Clan's power and influence grew, slowly, or course, but steadily. Anyway, Theti-Sheri showed she was a strong supporter of the Camarilla, and of the Toreador way of life, as she even supported the Prince when he enforced the Toreador Hegemony and the creation of the Masques. And part of the Toreador could not help but love the beautiful Setite Methuselah.

And as she contracted the Treaty that authorized the Toreador to come to Setite-controlled Egypt unharmed, she became the Setite Ambassador, and as such, the Duchesse of the Setite.

Since then, around Theti-Sheri was formed a little setite cotterie of strong Camarilla supporters, and bons vivants who find similar tastes among some of the Toreador (most of them Beautés Poseurs), and others Clans, like the Ventrue or the Malkavians. Their loyalty to the Camarilla was sometimes doubted upon, but no proof was found about it. To the ones who claim Theti was corrupting the Camarilla Elder with her salon games, the others claim that they know how to live their unlife as untertainingly as possible, and that they don't need the advice of fearful Kindred afraid of their shadows.

Theti-Sheri knows better...

One by one, each Setite will be touched by Set's mind. As the Dark God seems to stir in his torporous sleep, the Setite will become nervous as the prophecy of the return of Set seems to fullfill itself. While the Typhonist will start a campaign of religious convertion to the Dark God, through Blood Cults and corruption, the Courtisanes will try to convert more openly Kindred into the worship of the Dark God through the Path of Sutekh/Ecstasis, with promises of enlightment and protection from the other Antediluvians, as well as the new Avaris Utopia, in which the millenary civilization of Egypt will be reborn, where Kindred will be as Gods until the ends of Time. While the Assamite hate the Setite with passion, their tries to destroy them will meet with a serious opposition: Using their Prestations and influence within the parisian society, the Setite will ask for Bodyguards, but not Assamite Bodyguard: The mysterious Setites following the Path of the Warrior will prove more than a match for the Assamite Diabolists.

The rumours of a Typhonist developping powers akin to Faith will increase the fervor of the Clan even more! The survivors among the Veilleurs, as well as the Kindred believing in the judeo-christian mythology will be greatly affected by the apparition of this Dark Faith.


Because of the dichotomy of the Clan in Paris, there is two kind of meeting. The first is open to anyone, and takes place in the Temple of Paris, where the Followers of Hathor congregate. While there is each night a short ceremony given by Theti-Sheri (similar to the rituals of ancient Egypt) where anyone of the Faith (that is, with the Path of Ecstasy), each New Moon (or lunar/solar eclipse), a great ceremony is held. In this Roman/Egyptian mixed style underground structure, faithfull Kindred, ghouls and even some chosen mortals pray to the Dark God. Usually, their ways hare attuned to their Path of Illumination, that is the Path of Ecstasy. At the end of the formal praying, the reunion becomes more like what someone would call a vampire orgy, were blood flows freely, objects of art are criticized and love affair start and end with passion that would surprise an Elysium Elder. Some Kindred have noted the half the prayers name the godess Iaret, which is assimilated, here, as the concubine of her Sire, Set.

The second reunion takes place in the secret Temple far from Paris. There, the Typhonist are masters, and along the prayers to the Dark God, Apep, his defeated enemy is often quoted. Only followers of either the Path of Typhon of the Path of Suthek (or their variations, like the Setite Ecstasists) are allowed to come here. This secret ceremony is given at random times, the High Priest chosing it with his own astrological calculations.

Les Courtisans

Led by their red haired passionate maiden, the Courtisans live their lives as do the Poseurs Toreadors and the others Harpies of the Cour. They are seen as Hedonists but lovers of Art, Bon Vivants, but of so good company. No real soirée is a success without one of them, as they take the time to cultivate their Esprit to impress others. Strangely, they are the enemies of no one, but the ones who shun the said soirées: The Brujah (with St Just as the most fanatic among them), the Nosferatu, who believe (rightly) that the prejudice they are victims is caused, at least in part, by these monsters in gorgeous appearance, and most of them the Gangrel, who are starting to recover from their losses under the leadership of the pure Lady Diane (In facts, the parisian Setites and Gangrel are mortal enemies...).

The Courtisans Setites follow a variation of the Path of Sutekh called Path of Ecstasis and easily accept to convert others to it. Their vampire cult, the Followers of Iaret, grows slowly, but steadily...

   Juliette; 7th Generation.
   Samson; 6th Generation.
   Sven; 6th Generation.
   Theti-Sheri; 5th Generation.

The Typhonists

Few Typhonists live near Paris, and each lives without having been first Presented to Villon. They keep their presence discreet, and pray each night for Set's awakening. Their action in the city is nonexistant, as they were ordered to let Theti-Sheri do her business.

So they keep the Temple standing, and keep praying. A few, through, does not accept this, and work in secret to speed the corruption of the french capital.

   Dimitri; 10th Generation.
   Sophie; 9th Generation.
   Sutekhem; 7th Generation.