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Wraiths -- The Restless Dead

  • -- Charon -- The First Ferryman.

  • -- Ghost Platoon -- A Circle of Vietnam War era Wraiths that all hold Dr.Tremen Hall as a Fetter.

African Circle -- Les Effaceurs

  • -- Saartjie Baartman -- The Hottentot Venus {1789 - 1815}
  • -- Sha'iqiyya -- Sudanese Tax Collector {1881 – 1899}
  • -- Ota Benga -- Mbuti Pygmy Hunter {1883 – 1916}
  • -- Raphael Issa -- Child Soldier of the Lord's Resistance Army {1987 - 2000}
  • -- Sentwali Smyth -- Interahamwe Foot Soidier {1973 - 2007} -- Kivu conflict

The Caledonian Circle -- The Disinherited

Spectres: The Evil Dead

Spectres are wraiths that have, in so many words, given into their Shadows. When a spirit accumulates too much dark emotion, its Shadow takes over permanently and it becomes a Spectre; its humanity and former identity are replaced with a truly evil, sadistic personality tied into a massive hive-mind. In the process, the wraith forgets about its old tethers, friends and ideals, which keeps it from Transcending. Spectres roam desolate parts of the world of the dead thereafter, minions for Oblivion.