Necropolis London

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The Underworld -x- London


The City

The city of London right from its beginnings in Roman times, was a city of trade. It is hardly surprising then, that on the other side of the Shroud, trade was the life-breath of the city right up until the Sixth Great Maelstrom struck. However, after that, the society of the dead began to spiral into chaos, and the lands of the living began to decay in a violent, vivid reflection of the lands of the dead.

With the civil war and unrest in Great Britain, public services have suffered. Outbreaks of disease, bubonic plague, cholera, and zika virus halted the majority of London's tourism in its tracks. However, the worst was yet to come. Fighting and neglect finally took their toll. No one ever suspected the Thames Barrier to give way. But it did. Thousands died, and many people found themselves living in over a foot of tepid river-water. Cases of disease sky-rocketed, discontent grew among the public, and violence became commonplace.

Claiming more and more power over the people of the city, and auctioning off more and more of the public services in order to cut taxes and quell the insurrection, the government ushered in more and more laws restricting peoples rights. The United Nations offered the help of standing troops, which was agreed to by the Parliament in an effort to get control of the violence in the city. Small platoons of men from all over the globe were brought in to keep the peace. In 2020 this spurred a riot of people who were being forced to leave Trafalgar square one evening by UN troops. Violence ensued and this culminated in the Public Order Act of 2022 which gave the police and UN Troops the power to shoot to kill, and also made public execution legal for the first time since 1858.

Inevitably, London's gang culture grew, and soon the privately funded police force was massively overstretched. They ceased to patrol the worst areas of the city, which were mainly situated in the East End. The area quickly earned the name of the Dead Zone, a filthy slum mostly under the control of a gang called the East End Soldiers.

A Bitter Reflection

The lands of the dead didn't fare much better in these dark times. The Hierarchy dissolved under the weight of the Maelstrom, dozens of denizens of the Shadowlands, wraith and spectre alike, were hurled across the Shroud to rise in bodies they didn't recognize, factions of violent Mediums rose up against the dead, and new factions formed out of the ashes of institutions that had ruled for millennia.

Now the city lies in a confused disarray and it is the young Restless who have a chance to build their own futures now that an eternity of tradition and autocracy are gone. However, the young wraiths holding the reins of London's power seem unable to break the dictates of the past that have so long been imposed over the lands of the dead, and the city finds itself in danger of changing one dictatorship for another. What's more, the most ancient of the city's wraiths are far from gone for good, and the constant barrage of the Maelstrom has only made them colder, made them darker, made them meaner.