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Lhiannan -x- Wiganthorpe

Lhiannan Feidlimid.jpg

Sobriquet: Mother.

Appearance: Feidlimid appears to be a woman of no more than twenty-five years of age. She has long auburn hair which hangs to her buttocks and bronze colored skin. She is short and stocky, but walks with the lithe grace of the lions that once roamed northern Europe. Her body is athletic, but not un-womanly as her breasts are firm and her stomach is taut. Ancient mystic glyphs are worked into her flesh in the old way, with bone needles and the ashes of human sacrifices burnt upon Samhain night. In olden days, before her Embrace -- her nose, lips, eyebrows and earlobes were pierced with with animal bones, crudely worked gemstones and rings of bronze, but tonight her face is adorned with modern hoops of gold. Likewise she wears finely worked rings of gold and silver upon every finger and toe, for as a witch-queen, nothing less will do. Over the last decade she has slowly become accustomed to 21st century fashions which she grudgingly wears to interact with modern folk. In private she often wears leathers and furs of her own making or abides in the glory of her nakedness. Feidlimid's most striking feature are her glittering hazel eyes that change color to reflect her mood. Upon ceremonial occasions she wears the enchanted four horned skull of a vanquished Formori foe.

Behavior: Above all things, Feidlimid has a kind of indescribable intensity to her, similar to an inferno hidden behind a metal door, it can be felt as a radiance not unlike heat. This radiance comes off her in waves and reflects her seductive nature. Feidlimid is a sensual creature that enjoys natural beauty for its own sake, and encourages others to appreciate the same. While she gives pleasure to herself and others as her whim dictates, she is used to being obeyed. She is capable of being many things to many different people, in some roles she is the wise councilor, in others she is the seductress, sometimes a friend and always the embodiment of her faith.


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